Other people's kids! Aaaagh!

I have WHAT in my yard? <------ I salute you !
I agree! I also see where you are coming from. The big issue isn't the food, it's the rude. But the rudeness also makes you not want to accommodate her food preferences.

There really is something very out of place about a child that tries set an adult straight. I love children, even other people's children. But I can't stand a rude, outspoken child. My kids aren't perfect (I don't have the my-little-angel-would-never syndrome), but they are being instructed.

My husband and I have goal. It is that other people, including their grandparents, will not mind our children coming over. It's a simple goal, but it takes work. It's so sad to me to see parents that won't step up and be the parent.

I hope you have a great party. Be gracious, be kind and be firm!
Y'know poor DD just came home and the bus driver called me to tell me she was being bullied on the bus!! The bus driver said she would not tolerate her girl being bullied! She said my children were the nicest, sweetest children she had on her bus and she despised the nasty kids whose parents apparently never taught them right from wrong.

The girl that bullied her is some one I would never allow in my house. (She would never come here - (we have chickens Eeeeew!) She is mean spirited and thinks that money defines everything. The stupid thing is that I don't think they really are wealthier than we are, I think they are up to their eyeballs in debt! I feel sorry for her and I told DD that she should be sorry for her too. She must feel very bad inside to have to be that mean on the outside. Mean cuts both ways, every time you are mean to someone else it kills something inside you.

Today must be bully day.
That's what I'm getting, too, and I understand and EMPATHIZE!! I have neighbor kids who are precocious and want to "debate" rules & policies around her. ("But WHY?" or "How come we can't ______ ?" or "But at MY house we can because __________ ." etc., etc..).

At first I tried to be "nice" and accomodate the questions with answers and/or explanations. Which OF COURSE leads to more questions and "debating"... Soooooooo

!!ENOUGH!! I would never do that with my OWN children!!! I think I was in hostess "be POLITE" mode, until it hit me; DUH... they are KIDS... treat them like KIDS...!!

My advice: Shut down the debates. Shut down the discussions, the lectures, the "health advice", the complaints....

I use the basic default of "Because I am The Grownup, and I Said So" as a general mindset. If it is backed by the consequence of "NOT following my rules will result in you NOT be allowed to be here", then it seems to be universally effective (for kids who want to be here, which they DO!!)...

There is nothing wrong with telling a CHILD "I am not going to discuss this with you". Or "Here are your options, and that's the end of it." Or "Because THAT is the rule in THIS house."

As long as there are reasonable options like you would do for any other kid, then that's the END of it. And if she *truly* can't deal with it, and wants to leave, then she can. But she won't. She just wants to push the limits, challenge adults, and debate with you, like I'm sure she does at home, without consequence! She wants to stay.

Oh, and my neighbor kids are much more pleasant to be around now, and we all get along just fine!!
I have WHAT in my yard? :

Rhett&SarahsMom :

gently "suggest" that your dd pick another friend. Bribe her if you have to

There is a certain girl in my dd's class that there is NO WAY I will let her have over again. EVER.

As far as dropping the kid off earlier. Well. Did you state in your invite that the party begins at a certain time? If you did then you are under no obligation to take the kid any earlier. If you do still go through with this call the mom and ask her to send the kid with food she will/can eat. And make sure you have a phone number the parents can be reached at just in case the kid wants to go home.

I agree with most of this and had I been the one that had talked to Mom the answer would have been, "Gee I am sorry looks like she'll have to miss it." and would have been relieved to get out of it. But, DH got the call and said, "Sure!"

I have WHAT in my yard? :

I love a kid who eats well too, but don't have the parent tell me that she can eat whatever we have and then have the child tell me she can't eat that stuff and lecture me about how unhealthy it is. It is not my obligation to provide food that some one will eat if I am not informed before hand of what that is.

The problem here is the parents who say she has no allergies and can eat whatever, but forget to say she has no manners and will criticize everything you do for her. Parents who will drop a child off for 24 hours at a house they have never even seen with parents they have spoken to maybe three or four times.

I decided a long time ago that MEAN PEOPLE ARE OPTIONAL. Truth be told I don't like this kid, yeah I'll say it on a public forum because it would be rude to say it to her face or her parent's face. And it is my problem that I don't like her. I am doing this as a gift to my child. I think my daughter has something to learn about friends like this - I call them frienemies - but it is something she has to learn. I can only save her by telling her things so many times, some lessons she will need to experience.

I always have food options. There will be plenty of fruits and veggies available.

I vent here because I can. But, mean people are optional here, too. I just delete em.

I like you.

BTW. my daughter will choose an apple over junk food. Doesnt eat hamburger, hotdogs or pizza. If she hasnt out grown this by the time she is invited for sleep overs I will send food along with her or drop it off for the hosting parent earlier. And. I would NEVER leave my kid with a class mates family for 24 hours. Not even if I really knew the kids family. That's just rude. At least you can see where the monster child gets it from.​
I really appreciate your liking me! You don't get deleted!
You're obviously a good judge of character!

Earlier this week I told DD2 that she could on her birthday choose the menu for the day. Her teacher got hysterical when she chose apple oatmeal for breakfast, PB &J and a banana for lunch and dinner?

In the over now: meatloaf, cornbread, broccoli and fettucini alfredo! May not make the most sense, but hey she's 7!!

The teacher said she had never heard of a kid ordering broccoli when given a choice! No pizza, no McD's, meatloaf and broccoli!
I have WHAT in my yard? :

I really appreciate your liking me! You don't get deleted!
You're obviously a good judge of character!

I have WHAT in my yard? :

I really appreciate your liking me! You don't get deleted!
You're obviously a good judge of character!

Earlier this week I told DD2 that she could on her birthday choose the menu for the day. Her teacher got hysterical when she chose apple oatmeal for breakfast, PB &J and a banana for lunch and dinner?

In the over now: meatloaf, cornbread, broccoli and fettucini alfredo! May not make the most sense, but hey she's 7!!

The teacher said she had never heard of a kid ordering broccoli when given a choice! No pizza, no McD's, meatloaf and broccoli!

LOL Mine eats the raisins they give them for snack and lunch. None of the other kids will.
When we go to the grocery she always asks for an apple, grapes, oranges. This morning.. since she is home with me sick, she asked for a bottle of water at the donut shop. Lunch was a salad with no dressing.
I have no clue where she gets it from. I will choose choc cake for breakfast/lunch/dinner if its in the house​

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