
Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I'm hurting everywhere!

One of the biggest problems I've found with having a disability is that on your "good" days you tend to overdo it. Does anyone else have that problem?

The sun was shining here today, seems like it's been gone a very long time. I woke up feeling great, so I hit the ground running. I severly pruned the forsythia bush from H-E-double hockey stix. Turns out it was 1 main bush and about 20 volunteers all clumped together. I helped repair a section of the fence that the aforementioned bush had knocked down in it's mission to take over the yard. I mucked out Billy's house and scrubbed it and then spread new hay for him. I planted two climbing roses and fashioned large cages around them to keep Billy out of them. I moved Jake's dog house in the hopes that he'll rub his two brain cells together and figure out he's s'pose to use it to get out of the weather. I cleaned house, cooked supper, fed the critters, and just finished my SO's uniforms. AND I stopped what I was doing every 5 minutes, at my SO's request, to climb on the back of the motorcycle to check my new foot pads for the right fit. The last time I climbed on for a fitting, he had to lift my right leg back over the seat for me! My right arm is numb now too.
So I'll see y'all in about 3 days, when I'm able to climb out of bed under my own power again (yeah, I wish). Yes, this was a shameless plea for sympathy.
Glucosamine and Chondroiton! LOL! Bless your heart! I'm 50+ yr. old, and last spring I did something similar. I pray I am able to do it again, because my yard never looked better (though it still has a loooooong way to go!). The good news is that I lost a lot of weight! The bad news is.....well....you know; you're there now! Seriously, glucosamine and Chondroiton helped me immensely with the numbness in my arms and all the joint pain from squatting. I much prefer watching my hens squat to squatting myself!
Also, drink GALLONS of water and avoid caffeine. I used to drink Coca-cola and everybody kept warning me. I passed out on the kitchen floor one night last spring from dehydration before my stubborness abated. Now I drink a lot of water, and that helps the joints, too. When I get sick of water, I treat myself to Lipton Green Tea with citrus. The fruits are worth your labor! Hope you recover quickly.
I know how you feel gritsar, I am a one year ovarian cancer SURVIVER and in remission. i took so much chemo that my body just aches. I do really good of the morning and by the evening i pay for everything i have done during the day. but that is absolutely wonderful. because that means that i feel like doing my chores inside and outside. i started with the chickens a few months ago to keep myself occupied,and it has became an addition, a wonderful addition. hope you get to feeling better soon, i would tell you not to over do it but that would just make me a hypocrit and remember EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE THROUGH GOD!
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gritsar- I'm glad you felt good enough to do some work, but BE CAREFUL!!! I overdo myself all the time, so does DH. Each time we tell ourself that we won't do it again, but of course we do. Our friends and lot of family don't realize that when you have property and animals there is ALWAYS work that HAS to be done.

For almost 2 yrs I have done nothing or next to nothing, but in the last several months I have been able to ALMOST do as much as I used to without having to be off my feet for a day or two afterwards. Take it easy for a few days(I know, things pile up and you're right back where you started)


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