Our babies made it

That sounds like it might work. Our temps keep fluctuating and I need to get my last four done, I might try that myself.

6 more birds cleaned, for a grand total of 11 in the last week. Im completely wiped out! Its a nice feeling that our flock is smaller and a little more manageable (since they are going through 50# of grain a week at this point plus veggies)
Wow, looks good. Isn't it nice to know there is GOOD food in the freezer for your family and you put it there?
We have a big freezer in the garage and it's starting to get full. Two more today and I'm done for 4wks when I start the next group.
YES it does feel good!!! I without a doubt have an appreciation for our dinner that I hadnt had previously. I have a large chest freezer on my balcony we will put them in.. were just giving it a day or so for the meat to relax before moving to the freezer.
How old are they now? They should be much bigger than the ones you already did. I can't believe in 2 wks I start round two with my second batch of 15. At six weeks they're monsters and we're only one week into their higher protein feed.
I did my last 4 at 12wks. The only issues I had with waiting longer were 1. They seemed to have an attitude or at least were more aware of what my intentions were. 2. I had to make my cone bigger and 3. For some reason I seemed to have more pin feathers. I really liked the size though and last night we had a 3.5lb chicken breast for dinner.

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