Our Beloved Suede Is Gone: January 2007-September 2012

Thanks for asking, Mac. Suede's hens seem to be doing okay. Dusty, however, who was laying regularly when he died, quit laying and hasn't laid another egg since his death. None of the others have started laying again, though I was expecting them to resume laying any day even before he passed away. Dusty then went into her second molt of the year, what I guess would be considered a "stress molt" since it involved only her neck/hackles.

The huge Buff Orp, Hope, the younger one who was thought to have egg yolk peritonitis a couple of months ago, is still very thin, but has grown back her feathers and I'm completely in the dark as to her status. She seems well enough, but until she lays an egg, I have no idea if she is having reproductive issues or not. Meg looks good, is over her molt, but does spend lots of time laying around. She will be 6 years old in January.

Nugget looks well, but hasn't laid in months, not since she was broody the last time. All four hens are still living in their same coop; I haven't moved them anywhere and may not.

In the main group, I have some in very hard molts and colder weather coming so they are in a separate coop so I can put on a heat lamp at night. I mean "completely bare sides, back and butt" bad.
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Aww, I'm sorry. I think it is cool that you can have your chickens for so long, I don't know what's going to happen to ours, I hope we can keep them as long as necessary. We are probably going to add a few more each year. :)
My breeder quality birds do seem to live longer lives, with a few hatchery bird exceptions like my Brahmas. My Buff Brahma, Caroline, will turn 6 years old in January and seems to have no health issues, though she hasn't laid in a few months due to her molt and, of course, her age. She was laying for a period this year, though. No matter how long they live, it's rarely as long as my dog we just had to put to sleep at the age of 15, and it's never easy to lose a special friend. Some are just more special than others, like Suede.

Dusty is 4 1/2, Nugget is 4 1/2, Meg is almost 6, but Hope won't even be 2 years old until April so she's one of the younger hens.
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Thank you so much for stopping by to comment. I don't post much myself anymore, to tell the truth. I've been pulling away from here more and more, but so many were fond of Suede and I felt I should tell those people who knew him and/or had his kids.
It's so hard to lose our beloved animals, even if they've lived a good long life. What a wonderful, beautiful guy he was. So sorry for your loss.

Yet again - so much more heartache for you.... you have been a mentor to me and my flock, I cannot express how saddened I was to read of Suede too...

So many of us have followed your threads for so long...

Thinking of you and your DH

I agree - wake me up in 2013.... March would be good for me!


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