Our daisy died. What do we do with daffy?

Thanks all. I am all the way in Alaska and have posted in the group pages to look for more ducks or to rehome him to someone who has ducks. My heart breaks for Daffy. Last year when a falcon attacked them and had Daisy pinned to the ground, he never left her side and kept flapping his wings on the falcon to defend her. :(
When one of my runners was attacked by a hawk she was pretty shaken. She had last a few feathers and had some scratches, wouldn't leave the coop for the first couple of days. Don't know if it is compassion or curiosity or what but to see the other ducks checking on her. Really makes you wonder. Hope you find a new friend for Daffy.

The mirror trick does help. My one old hen Jenny lost her friend and for days were rough especially since Lisa was the alpha. I gave her a mirror and she would spend hours chatting with her reflection. It was a good buffer until the chicks got old enough to integrate.

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