Our Egg Hatching thread! Hatch: Nov. 7th (Hatching Video PG 57)

I have 5 out and 7 pipped/zip YAY!!
that would be 12 and thats 50% hatch

Good luck everyone with their babies!!!!
My goodness!!! I haven't been on here since yesterday afternoon, and look at all the pipping, peeping, and hatching activity we've got going on here!!!! I'm so glad everyone's hatches are doing well - very, very exciting!!! Shogun, sorry you didn't have any luck. You'd better get some more eggs going pronto!!!!

I'm on day 20 and only had a couple of seconds to peek in my bator this morning to check for pips. I love my old Hovabator, but the windows are so small that it's hard to check for pips. Anyway, I didn't see any yet. I'll check again tonight - hopefully I will get home at a decent hour!!!

The pics have been adorable! Good luck everyone!!!!!

Congrats to everyone that's got pipping, zipping, peeping and hatching going on!

Those of you that are still waiting, hang in there - it will happen!

I will post pics of the little cheepers when I take them out this afternoon.



This was the second egg that started to pip. He sure came out in a hurry! The first RIW is still working on it, and I still see him/her poking around inside so I know it's alive. There are two EE eggs now pipping!
Cass, he/she is soooo cute!!!!! Congratulations, chickie mama!

I got home around 12:30 (after FINALLY finding some chick starter in this town) and the 3 from this morning were dry and fluffly and another had hatched!!!!
This one is silver/blue and smaller! She was dry, just not fluffly, so I went ahead and pulled her out of the incubator.

All four of them are resting in a cardboard box with a towel in it and a heat lamp on them. I put a little water and feed in there with them, and the 3 "older" babies drank and pecked at the feed. Good babies!

Two more eggs have pips in them. Just three more that need to show some signs of life. C'mon babies - everyone's babies!
congrats michigan she is so cute. maybe if we call it a she it will get the message. I know you know not to open your bator and help but just a reminder because I know how hard it is. I didnt resist once and it cost me that chick and dried out the others and they couldnt hatch. Im a softy like so many of us love our babies and just cant stand it when we think they are in trouble. Let me know when that one hatches am crossing my fingers for it and I think it is going to be just fine. On my hatch last week with the wellies the first one that pipped hatched 14th out of 18. So I sat on my hands for a long time.
Thanks, Jamie. Yeah, I saw that post. That's why the heat lamp is attached to a solid piece of furniture. I'm watching the temp too, those heat lamps really get hot. I'm going to move them to a rubbermaid tote once they have a few more hours on them.

I'll get photos in a little bit. Right now they are resting.

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