Our Egg Hatching thread! Hatch: Nov. 7th (Hatching Video PG 57)


Did she put you on overnight duty? Is your online name french?
UrbanMama, so sorry to hear about all of the lost chicks. I think that's why I opted to buy a larger amount of eggs for my first hatch... I had a feeling that most of them wouldn't hatch. I started with 24 eggs in this lot... I'm trying to review my posts to figure out what went wrong with the first 12. Man is that hard to keep track of. I need to start keeping an Egg Journal near my incubator.

- 2 broke in shipping.
- 1 Post Office scrambled
- 4 infertile
- 3 blood rings
- 2 quitters, day 5 and day 8

I was down to 12 viable eggs come hatch time.

For you and the little one. Hope he/she gets lots of buddies next week!
pbjmaker, he's a night owl anyway. And I didn't have to do anything other than tell him the eggs were hatching before he wanted to go see. He's always watching live streaming Chick Cams on the web. I think he's secretly wanted his own hatching at home for quite some time.

Oh, Tiensivu is our last name. It's Finnish.
MW - you can totally fix that foot. Search for the millions of threads on here about curled toes - you make a little boot for them out of cardboard and a bandaid or tape. They straighten right up.

My last silkie to hatch is missing his outside toe on both feet and has already learn to toddle along almost as well as the other chicks. He just doesn't have as good of balance at this point. It's surprising how resilient these little guys are and how well they just cope with what they are given.
Kat, I was wondering before...this is the first hatch in the basement where the temps run consistently lower than upstairs where I have had all my other hatches. They all pipped on day 20 and were all hatched by day 21. So that could be the problem maybe. The temps inside the coop are running a steady 99 - 99.5 degrees even slipping up to 100 at times. But I think the outside temps matter as well right? OK but anyway!

I HAVE ONE PIP!!!!!!!!!!!!
I happened within the last hour

And many others moving around in there. Now watch, the darn things are going to hatch in the middle of the night!

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