Our Egg Hatching thread! Hatch: Nov. 7th (Hatching Video PG 57)

they will get here. A lot of us just had early hatches.
Hi All!

Just wanted to send some good hatching vibes to ya. Mine are all at least 1 week old now, a couple are just 1 - 3 days old.

I had one that had curled toes & I put bandaids on them for the 1st day & his little toes are straight now. I am sure you can find help for the little guys leg. Good luck with it

Also, for the bleeders, use some flour to stop it if you don't have the stop bleeding powder.

Good luck!
Oh man I have to run into town and get my paycheck and do some shopping but I DO NOT want to leave now that my eggs are finally pipping! My poor son is saying "come on mom!" LOL Well, I better get going and hope to find MANY pips when I get home...and many hatches from you guys too.
I'm gonna try to fix the foot here in a little bit, but I'm going to band that chick somehow so I know not to use it for breeding.

#6 (an EE) popped out! And #7 is almost there too! Also an EE. That leaves 3 EE and 2 RIW unpipped/unhatched right now.

Will update more in a little bit, and respond to other folk too.
Ok, mine are due to hatch tomorrow and the next day. So I am hanging over the incubator like an idiot today. Sometimes I think I see movement but it could just be wishful thinking. I have had a lot of trouble keeping this incubators temp steady this time. Not the incubators fault, the heat in the house is out and we are using electric heaters for heat so it gets cooler at night. Anyway, I hatched out 4 chicks 23 days ago out of this incubator so I am hopeful some of these will live through it too. I started with 16 mixed eggs but lost several that were infertile or had blood rings and 36 serama eggs, I have lost about half of those to various reasons. Don't care how many hatch just want some.

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