Our Egg Hatching thread! Hatch: Nov. 7th (Hatching Video PG 57)

I am so sorry about your bleeder, katrinag.

Good luck, Becky!

Hangin Wit My Peeps, try not to speed on the way to get your check!!

Congrats, CK!! I'm working on my splint now for my chickie.
All of you must have stayed up half the night. I had trouble finding my post, so that I could catch up on what has happened.

I had several pips yesterday and one started zipping also. Well, this morning I have 2 that pipped and zipped quickly and are bowling now. The original one that zipped still is not out yet. It is still alive and moving, occasionally.

These are my little mutt babies, but they are cute. I have some RIRs in there and some are black sex links. I am so excited. I just love baby chicks.

Congrats. to all of you that have new babies and good luck to those that are still waiting.

I have to go again. I have been so busy lately, trying to finish getting ready for the chickenstock tomorrow.

Just went to check again because you know it has been like a whole 10 minutes sinced I checked the incubator and I know I heard muffled peeping coming from inside. (It is real hard to tell because they are in a closet in our bedroom and the room has caged finches in it as well). I can't see any eggs pipped but then there are so many in there that I can't see all of them. Anyway, here's hoping.
LOl, had to go back and count what is left. 11 mixed eggs and 25 serama are left in the incubator. I try to keep busy and stay away from it but it is hard. Wouldn't it be nice if you just woke up and all the eggs had hatched?
OMG, pbj, that is an adorably tiny little chick!!!! I bet you can fix her little feet and she'll be just fine!!!

I'm still having to live vicariously through everyone, so keep those pics coming!!!

When I left early this morning, I had 2 definite pips in my New Hampshire Red eggs and another one that looked like a pip, but it was hard to tell! Hopefully there will be tons of pips and some zips when I get home tonight, then I can watch bator tv and catch the hatch!!! And, of course, they will all be pullets!!!!!!!

Congrats, everyone!!!

Awww, pbjmaker!! SO cute!!

We weren't so creative. We named ours Gimpy.

We've got (tiny) chick #6:


And (huge) chick #7:


(He had a little bit of goey yolk on his butt, and what looked like potentially either the "placenta" or unfortunately maybe some organs poking just out of his rear. I hope it's just the umbilical cord thingie.)

I see one other egg that is twitching, and I still hear scratching/chipping in the bator, but I'm not sure if it's only that egg or not.
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