Our Egg Hatching thread! Hatch: Nov. 7th (Hatching Video PG 57)

Congratulations on all the pips, zips and chicks everyone!!! So much happened overnight!

My 6th chick was still just a pip when I went to bed at midnight. I got up with the dogs at 3am and it was still a pip. I was beginnig to worry but I heard a peep, so that reassured me. When I got up at 6:30am and checked again the little squirt had zipped and broken free! Yay!!!

The other 3 don't show any signs of pips yet, but like I told Halo, the eggs are a lot smaller than the first ones, so maybe they are just crowded and it's taking them awhile to get the momentum to pip. I'll be taking the 6th baby out tonight to join all the others and might try to candle one then.

So far, out of the 6 hatched, I have 3 confirmed roos, one fairly certain blue girl and another light blue that I think is a girl and the one in the bator that I can't tell yet.

What kind of incubator are you using? I can't believe the photos you are able to get of the inside of the bator! That's the only thing I wish was different about mine. All I have is a little 2 inch hole to peek through.

I can't believe the feet on your tiny chick!
He/she might be little but the feet make up for it!

katrinag - sorry about the lost chick. I wonder what caused that - pipping too soon maybe?

pbj - Weeble is very, very cute and I LOVE the name (I had weebles as a kid).

I've got an event with the FFA kids tonight, but will try to get photos of each of the hatched babies tomorrow and get them online.
Skeeter - I would love to fix her feet - but the toes are just missing. She actually gets around just fine - i might try to straighten the curvy toes though. This is also the one that puked yesterday - it was suggested that she might not be able to digest. I finally saw her poo today and it was fairly clear unlike the yellow green poo of the other chicks. Her crop was really spongy and poofy yesterday but that seems to have either been puked or drained.

Cass - my kids wanted to name this one Gimpy also but I get more votes than they do.

oh yeah - did you mention somewhere the kind of camera you have?
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I've got the Hova-Bator model 1602N, and I am using the Canon PowerShot A640.

I see the attitude too... and chick #7 is a girl! I had done the pendulum test on all of my eggs and written the results on the shell. That one said Hen on it, and I got a good look at the quills when she was laying on her back resting. I can see the two rows and how they zig-zag up and down. We'll see if those tests pan out as she grows up.

kodiakchicken, I know! Thems some huuuge feet!
How can you see the quills yet??? I watched the video someone posted showing the wing sexing (on Dirty Jobs) and I've tried to look at my little chicks, but their wings are so tiny all I see is fuzz!
She's still all wet and goey, and her fluff hasn't fuzzed up yet. So when she flipped over on her back, I was able to see them when she extended her wing out for balance. And of all the chicks, her quills are black, so I was able to see them. I don't think I could have figured out the RIW's because their fluff and quills are light yellow.
hello all finally decided to wake up pulled a long night last night. Ive had 6 major back surgeries and last night was a no sleep night . I still have nothing going on but this is early day 20. Yall have been busy while I was snoozing. I love the name weebles that is to cute. Michigan those legs will fix. congrats ricki you are in the game. Lets see that leaves me to join in the fun. fingers crossed. I cant tell if the eggs are moving or not the only prob with using the egg cartons. Maybe later today mine will get started. Buddy Henry just gave me good news haha told me the wheaton marans eggs sometimes take 22 to 23 days to break the shell because their egg shells are harder just what I wanted to hear. So I have worn a path in my carpet running to the bator. Like something is going to change in 3 minutes. Its called impatience. Congrats to all and keep those fuzzy butts coming I will try to join in eventually.
Hang in there, Jamie. At least you know that there would be a reason for the eggs to take longer - that always helps to settle the anxiety. I'm sorta thinking that the shells that are on my little eggs are harder than the larger ones, they just seem denser.

I hear you about running back and forth every 3 minutes. I've been doing the same thing. My laundry room hasn't ever seen so much action! Now if I could just remember to throw a load in every time I'm in there we'd never have dirty clothes!

Good luck to everyone else hatching today! I am off to the state diving meet for my daughter. She is a freshman and just started diving the 2nd week of September but came in third in districts which is an automatic in for state. We are hoping she just makes the final cut tonight. 36 divers go and only 16 get to place. Her score at districts put her at #19 in the 36 going, so 16 isn't to far fetched.

I better see good chick news when I get home late tonight!

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