Our Egg Hatching thread! Hatch: Nov. 7th (Hatching Video PG 57)

Good luck to your daughter, pbjmaker!!

OK, here's my second to last hatching update. After #7 was dried off enough to move to the brooder with the others, I was able to check/candle all of the remaining 5 eggs in the bator. Only one was moving. The others had huge air cells and were obviously not going to hatch. I went ahead and opened them outside to take a look. None of them were moving, no heart beats, no quivers or twitches, so I am confident they were deceased. One was just a small blob of feathers with a lot of runny yolk still (EE). One looked like it had gotten to maybe Day 17-19, but it had a deformed neck (RIW). One was tucked inside it's sack completely still, but had a bunch of dark green goop slide out with it (bacteria? RIW). The last one looks like it quit here either today or yesterday. Was fully formed and cute, and I'm sorry it didn't make it (EE). No obvious signs why, but it's yolk was still bulging out of the rear so it didn't absorb it. However, seeing that one lets me know that chick #7 will be OK. I know what it is I am seeing on the chick's rear now.

There is one EE egg left unhatched, and I saw it moving this morning. It's too dark/thick shelled to tell what's going on inside. So for now, it's going to sit in the bator all by it's lonesome for another few days. Once it's out of there, I'm going to clean the bator out and put the 8 other eggs I've got due Nov. 16th back into the HovaBator. My fridge-a-bator has been working just fine, but I want to be able to see the eggs!

So let me look at my totals. Do blood rings without development count against your egg total? I had 17 fertile eggs. 3 had blood rings but no development. If they count, then I hatched 7 (possibly 8) out of 17. If they don't count, then I hatched 7 (possibly 8) out of 14, which makes it about a 50% hatch rate. Either way that's low... but for this being my first time I think I did all right.

Good luck to the rest of you with your eggies!!
Ahhhh I feel like crap!!! Ugh.

As for the AWESOME news
2 baby chicks so far
2 or 3 pipping and rocking!!!!
I have the bator right next to my laptop AND my bed, so you all know where I am at LOL

p.s. will post new pics when I get energy
That's not a bad hatch rate at all, Cass! Especially with shipped eggs!! Nice job!
Hopefully your last EE will make it out soon!!

Pbj, I didn't think I was seeing enough toes, but I just assumed I was wrong! I'm glad the little darling is getting around alright. It's amazing how resilient and adaptive chickens are. Oh, and good luck to your daughter!!

Ricki, sounds like you had a great hatch!!! Can't wait to see more pics!

Jamie, I think your Wheaten Marans will be worth the wait!!! No doubt, they will be hatching by tomorrow!!!!!

I have to wait another hour for my daughter to get home so I can call her and have her check on the pips!!!!

I finally got back from the store and so far the first to pip has made a larger hole but has not broke though the membrane yet. And than I have a second PIP! Hurray!~

I can see it's going to be a late night for me. OR maybe I should go to bed now and get up at 2am

I have NO patience! I want them hatched NOW

Out of 9 BBS orps I have 2 pips and some of the others are moving around.
I hope to have a chick by the end of the night
I have 12 babies. 2 do not look so good. But all in all I am very happy with this hatch.

I also have a couple that are lingering in the bator. We will see if they make it. They are pipping and bleeding, it is all the same breed. Polishes. At least I have one that made it.
Whoo hoooooo!!! I just talked to my daughter and I have 3 NHR chicks out and at least 2 more pipped!!!!! Man, I wish I wasn't stuck at work!!!!

Hangin - you're getting some action, too!!!! Yipppeeeeee!!!

Katrina - you had a great hatch!!

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