Our Egg Hatching thread! Hatch: Nov. 7th (Hatching Video PG 57)

OOO A Wheaton Marans I can't wait to see it. Congrats to both you and Ricki! Ricki do you have more pips also? I have no more pips after the two that I first got. I sure hope I get more. Has anyone else had that happen. Pips on day and more the next day? I'm day 21 today! They should be hatching!!!!!
The first one took 11 hours from pip to hatch. Most of mine seem to go pretty close to 12 hours after pipping.

They are sooo cute!! I had another one hatch about 20 minutes ago and I think I have 1 more pip!!!! This has been a very busy day. I am setting up the brooder right now.

None of the chicks are dried off?? Could that be because I have the sponges in there?

Hopefully this last pip will hatch tonight!!! That will make the total 5 chicks out of 8 eggs!!!!!
Well I'm back - glad to see everyone has chickies hatching

My daughter messed up her last dive and didn't make the first cut
but that's OK. She did great to make it to state with only 7-8 weeks of learning diving. She is more excited because I let her stay up there with some friends in a hotel for the night so she can watch the swim team tomorrow.

I can't wait for your wheaton marans to hatch! You will have to tell me if there was any special tricks. They are such pretty birds.

Good luck to all and I think I'm gonna just go watch some TV and relax.

Congrats to your daughter PBJ! That is a great accomplishment
And congrats to you Ricki on more hatches

I'm worried about my eggs...I have no more pips other than the one and only ONE live chick just begging for company. I don't want to have just one baby...the last time I tried that it died
All it did was cry! When I leave the area from where this one can see me it cries it's head off. I sure hope the one that pipped a few hours ago will hatch! Just for the company at least.
oh I hope it hatches also. I bought some cucko marans that were shipped and only one hatched had the same prob crying all the time. The next day bought a trader and found a person with 2 day old baby chicks and went and bought two so it wouldnt be alone. If You have a small stuffed animal put it in there with it, Send good hatching vibes for the other egg
Awww HWMP, I hope your other egg hatches!!!!!!

I think I am finished hatching, I still have 4 eggs in the bator that I will leave there until tomm.

One of the babies has feathered feet!!! Which means one of my bantams is the daddy. Once they are all dried off I will get some good pictures.

Congrats to everyone and thier new babies!!! There were so many people that helped me out I cant thank you all enough!!!
Congratulations, everyone!!!

I came home and DH had pulled the 6th baby from the incubator. He's a light black/dark silver, and definitely a roo. So, that's four confirmed roos out of six hatchlings!!!

I'm 99.9% positive my light silver one is a girl, and I am mixed on the dark silver. I think there is a faint light mark on the head.

I don't really mind that much that they're all roos, it will just be harder to find homes for them or to decide what to do with them.

I candled the 3 smaller eggs and it looks like two of them are dead. Instead of being a full shell, there is the air sack, a big open space and something dark mushed up against the shell in a weird shape - no movement. The 3rd egg had a baby in it that was peeping away. I could even see the little beak tapping away!!!

I'll leave the other two for another day or two, just incase I'm not seeing something right, but I think I'm going to end up with 7 chicks out of 14 eggs - 9 that were still alive on Day 17.

I will try to post pics soon.

Okay, here's some chick pics.

First, a shot of the gang of six:


Next, a gratuitout cuteness picture:


These next two are for Kathy (aka halo). I want her to check out the heads on my two silver babies. This light silver one I'm pretty sure doesn't have any light spots on it's head. Here she is with one of the dark boys:


And here's the second silver baby. I think I'm seeing a faint light spot. What do you all think? If so, then this is roo #5 out of 6:


Thanks and enjoy!
AWWWW Those pics are adorable!!! I'm uploading mine right now so I will be back on with a couple pics and a hatching video that's like 40 seconds long. I was on the phone with hubby and had to hang up quick LOL Watch for them soon
OH btw...that second egg is starting to zip
AND one more is rocking away like mad but it hasn't pipped yet. UGH! how frustrating! Than my son had the bator open a tad bit and I didn't realize it. I was wondering why the heck the temps dropped a degree and was hoping my bator wasn't on the fritz! It was only like that at the most 30 min. I hope it didn't harm anything.

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