Our Egg Hatching thread! Hatch: Nov. 7th (Hatching Video PG 57)

Alright!!! We've got lots of hatching tonight!!! I've got 4 out (3 NHR and 1 BBS Orp) and at least 4 pips. There may be more pips, but I can't get a good look at several of the eggs, so I'm assuming they aren't pipped yet.

Pbj, your daughter did an awesome job!!! I'm sure she's disappointed about messing up that last dive, but she must have worked very hard to make it to state with only a couple of months worth of practice.

Well, it's been a very long day. I'm going to go finish setting up my brooder, then get some sleep.

Hope we all wake up to more chickies!!!!!
Ok here are the pics and I'm still waiting on the video but will post it as soon as it's done. Miss Prissy...if your watching can you take a guess if it's blue or splash?


Oh darn !! Forgot to check under my broody today one of her eggs was due today. And she never left her nest this morning either...Hope she got out sometime today to get a bite and some water. Do they usually stay on the nest like that when the eggs are hatching?
TWO of my chicks pipped at the BOTTOM of the shell! I am SO happy I decided (against my better judgment) to take them out of the carton or they would have died for sure. I'm taking them all out. I took 1/2 of them out and one is moving around but it's not getting anywhere at all. It just stays in the same spot trying to pip. It's been hours now. The other one that I found pip at the bottom is moving around some. I'm not even sure when these two pipped! So far STILL one baby. I'm STILL UP these chicks have me nuts!
I sure hope I get another one so the one is not lonely. PLEASE!
I try to fall asleep next to them but the one that chirps wakes me up and I jump up thinking it's a new one. I'm wondering if I should help that baby or not UGH!
I have one of my standard eggs pipped this morning. Of course it is in a spot in the bator where I can't see exactly what it is but I think maybe it is one of the salmon favorelles or polish.
I have to go to school (yes I have a Saturday class) but will be back around 10:30, hope more of them pip by then!

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