Our Egg Hatching thread! Hatch: Nov. 7th (Hatching Video PG 57)

Awwww! It is possibly a splash but I have had some light blues so very light in the beginning I thought they were splash until I actually had them with a splash and saw they were indeed blue. It will be fun watching them grow out and see if the 'splashes' come in.
Congrats on the baby!
Becky, let us know if any more pip! I have another chick! BUT the bad thing is it's not the one that was in the same spot and pipping. That one is STILL trying this morning but has not changed it's spot. Should I help it? It's peeping at me and it's so sad!
The other chick I have is black and looks perfect. The other one is very happy to have a friend They are staying right next to each other. I have another egg rocking, and two more pips. Not sure the one will make it because there is goo running out of the pip hole...it's one that had pipped upside down. I hope it makes it...it looks like it could be a blue or a splash

I am just SO happy that I got another baby so they have each other now.
and did I mention

BRxSilkie It has black legs but no feathering on legs and I haven't counted toes yet...OMG it's already eating and drinking, just hope it doesn't drown in the water bowl, didn't have room for a waterer...



SHELLEY: I can stay up late on weekends...
Oh I hope it makes it too! At least it is getting air now - perhaps the goo is because it pipped at the wrong in and there was still some liquid at that end.

I'm glad your other chick has a friend now.

Weebles still worries me. I saw a normal poo from her today but she doesn't seem to be growing. She was a little bit smaller than the others at hatch, now she is a lot a bit smaller

It's amazing to me how much they grow in just a couple of days.
Congrats on all of the babies, you guys!

My last egg was a quitter. The membrane inside the egg was fairly impenetrable for the little chick and it just couldn't break through. I had a hard enough time getting it open to see why the little guy quit.

But I'm not sad. I have 7 fuzzies after all! (And another 8 eggs in my bator due Nov. 16th
... darned addictions!)

Here's my little guys all fluffed out:


The legs and toes seem to have worked themselves out too! So I think these ones will all be just fine. If you didn't see it already, here's our live chick cam .
cth what a neat idea there! CUTE BABY! I would put some clean rocks in the water bowl and that way it won't be able to drown.

Cass you have some cute babies there! Sorry about your last one

Pbj...I hope it's all that goo is. I think I still see it trying to break out but it's not that energetic about it.
Our first bunch of chicken eggs (29) were due to hatch yesterday. They are black Langshan's and the eggs were dark and hard to see through when candling.

Unlike our ducklings, which we have had good luck incubating, I was never quite sure if they were on target or not. There were a lot that were dark inside at the end with what appeared to be good air cells and we just kept the temps and humidity where they needed to be and our fingers crossed.

Late last night before I went to bed I checked them one last time and there were two noticeable pips.

Those two hatched early this morning (were out when I checked at 4:00 am) and one more came out this morning.

We have several more that are rocking and/or pipped. I think we may have a few that we should have chucked earlier in the process, but being ever the optimists we left them til the end.

I will post the final number and pictures when all are hatched!


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