Our Egg Hatching thread! Hatch: Nov. 7th (Hatching Video PG 57)

Whoops!..sorry, posted that in the wrong thread~....terribly sorry.....BTW....cute chicks!!!
How old is your DD? We just started swimming this year at 14.

She's 18 and she started on her high school team when she was 14 also...She is now swimming for Union College.
I got another hatch and another on the way 1/4 of the way zipped already. These eggs are LATE today is day 22 so I believe while cleaning the bator the last time I set the temp down a degree on accident. The digital was reading down to 98 and up to 99 so I THINK that could have happened. Is there a way to tell in the hova what temp it is set at? I hate to turn id up and than have it be to hot if I'm wrong. The glass was reading right at 100.
ANYWAY I got THREE total now and one more on the way
I think one is beginning to smell so I want to get that out fast before something happens to the others. Is anyone else still waiting for eggs tonight?? I think Becky is and who else?
I'm waiting - for the one that is due next Friday and the 12 that are due in 21 days

Wanna stick around for those??? They're seramas so MAYBE you won't even have to wait 21 days
Pbj the first bird I ever hatched out was a Serama and he is in with the big girls. He's such a sweet heart. But he sure does a good job protecting the girls. At least he tries to. He is the BOSS out there. Even over my huge cochin roo!
Well I have FOUR babies total so far...one looks like it may need some foot work but won't worry about that until tomorrow. He has a bit of the yolk attached to him yet but most of it fell off. Now there is just a string hanging there. He is the only one in the bator walking around right now. The other three are in the brooder for the night. Two more are stuck in the membrane and can't seem to pip out. I helped them all I could but following the sticky thread on the Incubating and hatching eggs section. I pipped the shell all the way around for one and dropped some water on the dried membrane. Worked as fast as I could and wrapped each in a wet paper towel (not by the beak though) and I'm leaving them for an hour to see what happens. I almost have all the shell off the first one that was having problems and still he can't get out
I I try removing just a little of the membrane it starts to bleed so I don't dare touch it. I'm hoping that by removing the shell and wetting the membrane It will help them hatch out on their own. Poor things! I don't know what else to do for them.
Ok, this morning I have: 1 golden sebright, 1 buff cochin, 1 blue polish, 1 buff laced polish, 1 (maybe) cuckoo marans, 1 salmon favorelle.

Two other blue polish are working on getting out and 1 rhode island red is still working. Out of the 11 standard eggs in the incubator that makes 9 of them.

Now the salmon favorelle I had to help, it was stuck in the egg (this was 1:30 this morning). I got it out, no problem, no bleeding and left it in the incubator. I woke up this morning and found it completely stuck to the incubator wire
Took some work to get it off and then washed it down with a warm washcloth and put it back in the incubator. Amazingly it is moving around now. Geez, it has had a rough life already. Tried to help one of the blue polish out that had been pipped for a while but got blood so stopped and am waiting. It still looks real good and is in there peeping.

So far none of the serama have pipped. I do not know what to think about that. Hoping I just did not time they right to hatch with the other eggs and some will hatch over today and tomorrow.

I'll post a picture as soon as all 9 are out if they all get out.

HWMP - i have one serama hen (that's who laid the serama mixed egg due next week) She is a little flighty if she thinks I'm gonna pick her up but will walk up to me and talk her head off. I've only had her about 4 weeks. I think she is now my alpha roo's favorite - who knows he is just barely old enough to mate and might be trying them all out
She is definately the *older woman*.

Becky - I have read that seramas take less time to incubate in some places, but other people have said they still take 20-21 days. I am hoping for the 19 days myself.
Well, so far this morning we have 10 little Langshan chicks in the brooder and several more in various stages of pipping, zipping, and popping out in the incubator!

We did lose one little bird who was one of the first three to hatch night before last. He had a little bubble on his belly that I thought might be unabsorbed yolk sac, it seemed to be shrinking as he dried.

But every once in a while he flop over or would be knocked about by the others and was not able to right himself. He hatched all by himself, no intervention, so I am not sure what was wrong with him. He seemed lively and healthy enough. Some of the others seemed uncoordinated right after they hatched, but they could get their feet back under them.

When I found him I couldn't help but think of the old epitaph: "Never sick a day in my life and now this!" My DH thinks it was probably lack of oxygen or something.

These birds were due on Friday, three hatched early Sat morning and eight hatched later that day into the evening. We still have babies hatching today.

Is it normal to have the hatching spread out over several days?

This was our first time to try and incubate chickens, and it was a lot different than hatching ducks!
How old is your DD? We just started swimming this year at 14.

She's 18 and she started on her high school team when she was 14 also...She is now swimming for Union College.

lol swimmers, im a diver XD we tried swimming for warm ups before practice started and i chocked on the water XD

Baby chicks all around! So glad to hear about all the new babies!

pbjmaker, I've got 7 eggs now due on the 16th...
But I started a new thread with that date. I gotta go make some updates over there.

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