Our Egg Hatching thread! Hatch: Nov. 7th (Hatching Video PG 57)


Sorry to hear about your horse - that's tough.

Congratulations to everyone else on your hatches! My seven little fluffs are doing great. Moved them to the garage tonight into a bigger brooder.

Best of luck to anyone else that is still waiting on peepers.
None of the 25 serama eggs have pipped this morning. I am starting to think I won't get any. Someone told me that bantams need more humidity and that I shouldn't have tried to hatch them together with the standard eggs.
To make matters worse the temperature really dipped down last night and we didn't have the heat on so the temp in the incubator was way low this morning. Sigh, we'll if I don't get any, I can always try again but I was so excited when I bought 12 eggs and the seller sent me 36, I was sure I would get some anyway.
I am giving them a couple more days.
Ok wow I have a HUGE amazing story for you all! I have four baby orps and two that were trying remember three days ago on had pipped and it wasn't moving around or anything? Well this morning it looked dead it was still working on getting out last night so I again tried helping and every time I did I would see blood! SO I stopped. Well I gave up hoping and this morning I went down to throw the last two out that didn't make it. Well it CHIRPed at me! I was than on a mission to get that baby out blood or no blood. It's been THREE days in the same position! I was so totally amazed by this tiny baby. I got the membrane all wet and started pulling on the membrane..there was not shell left to open I had already removed all that to try and help it. He helped me a little by wiggling showing me what was lose and was was stuck. I poured water over the stuck membrane and waited 10 min and worked on that part. Eventually I got that baby out. Oh it was so sad with his tiny little eyes just begging me to help him. He is now out and I have been giving him water by hand with an eye dropper with vits in it. HOPING that the little one makes it. He worked SO hard and stayed alive SO long in there. It's just an amazing story! I am going down to take pics now and I will post here in a bit. So now I got FIVE out of the nine eggs that are living! Three black, one splash, and the light blue I hatched myself. She is beautiful too!


I am so glad that you were able to get him/her out!!!

Ok some pics of the Miracle chick. Here is what his shell looked like after I chipped away most of the shell. He sat in the shell for TWO more days trying to get out. He had already been trying a day before that before I started chipping away at the shell! Below the shell picture is my blue miracle chick and below that are my other four beauty orps
They are VERY energetic!




I broke down and took some of the serama eggs out and candled them. Got three bad ones and then got one that was still moving! Stopped messing with them and am back to waiting again.
Congratulations on helping out the little chick. I had to help some of mine but they were real hardy and all did well even the few that had a little blood. I really have never had any that I helped recover so well.
Well, nothing yet. I don't think they are going to hatch. Weird that the standard eggs hatched so well but the seramas don't seem like they are going to at all
lol swimmers, im a diver XD we tried swimming for warm ups before practice started and i chocked on the water XD

My daughter is actually a JV swimmer but a Varsity diver. She had several years of gymnastics experience before she took up diving in September and seems to be a natural at it. On her team you have to be a swimmer to be a diver. She likes both.

im a varsity diver to
i just started gymnastics yesteerday, thats when season started, so right now im soar and i have practice again at 3 45. thats great that she was natural, so was i but its such a ahrd sport not many ppl van do it
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