Our Egg Hatching thread! Hatch: Nov. 7th (Hatching Video PG 57)

I think gymnastics is a harder sport than diving. The ground hurts more when you miss
I wanted to offer congrats to all for the chickies too.

The thread started to get so fast I had a hard time keeping up with all of the posts, especially with me trying to figure out all the things I need to do as a chickie-mama.

But as promised, here is the link to the video on YouTube of that first little egg that pipped, and then waited to hatch until three others had popped out before him. I had to edit a few seconds out here and there due to me coughing.
We're finally all over that... man I really hate being sick.

I can't believe at day 5/6 they are all ready getting their little tail feathers! Too cute. Any idea when we are supposed to start giving them grit?
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Great video Cass. I just love watching chicks hatch out. Yes, I am a hatchaholic....lol

BTW, I hatched out 14 new babies myself. I do not have a video or a camera at this time, my camera broke.

I have BSLs, RIRs, EEs and 1 don't know mix...lol

Congrats. on all the new babies that were hatched out by all.

The baby blue orp that I hatched (helped out) after four days of being in it's shell is thriving and doing great
It does have spraddle legs that I am treating if for but otherwise it's going really good. Just thought I would update everyone

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