Our First Broody and Incubator Hatch: a Diary

@Onslow's Hens

Congratulations on your broody hatch :yesss: What kind of eggs are you hatching?

I didn't think Ruby was coming out either but since then I've gone out to find her quietly scratching in the coop yard. She doesn't stay out for very long though so maybe you've just missed Eva. I would keep an eye on her and leave food and water nearby. I am not going to intervene unless Ruby shows distress for some reason. That means lots of peeks into the coop. Despite the food and water near the nest box, she does come out to the feeder in the big yard and mingles with the rest of the gang.

I'm not blocking her off from everyone else. My flock is pretty relaxed about things and she's #2 in the lineup.

Enjoy your experience and let your girl do her thing. Chickens have millions if years of instinct to rely on. All will be well for both our girls!

I've read that some people make their broody get off the nest. I'm worried she'll break now that there are fertile eggs under her.

PS it's not a hijack. I started this thread for anyone that needs ideas, me, or has some that will help. Please, post away!
I agree the most important is to leave food and water close, she may be more comfortable if you block access from the others, maybes shes worried her nest will be hijacked by another
Also check on her alot see if tte food you leave just for her is eaten

@igorsMistress I know I'm not looking forward to next week with those temps you might consider a temporary ac unit I run mine for the layers during the hottest part only if I hear someone cry-panting or its over 110 it doesnt make it cold so it doesnt shock them, just helps brings relief and the 110 feels like 100 just an idea...
I agree the most important is to leave food and water close, she may be more comfortable if you block access from the others, maybes shes worried her nest will be hijacked by another
Also check on her alot see if tte food you leave just for her is eaten

@igorsMistress I know I'm not looking forward to next week with those temps you might consider a temporary ac unit I run mine for the layers during the hottest part only if I hear someone cry-panting or its over 110 it doesnt make it cold so it doesnt shock them, just helps brings relief and the 110 feels like 100 just an idea...

Yes'm, you made me think about something along those lines when I was sleepless and reading back through the AZ thread last night for ideas. Thanks :highfive: Hubs and I will be discussing our options this evening. We think we can make something out of materials we have or can purchase on the cheap. Thanks so much for reading and your suggestions :hugs
@igorsMistress you will be able to do your first candle of them in a couple more days, since you are at day 5 now. I'm glad that Ruby is sticking with them! I will have some more of those eggs hatching over here too, but I'm using my incubator again. I just started mine (12) at 6:45 PM., so I'll be 5 day's behind you and due on the 7th.
Wow, so glad I stumbled on this. I have a Black Australorp that went broody 3 weeks ago and nothing I did could break her. So, I went and got 8 fertilized eggs for her. Put them under her last Tuesday so she has been on them for 1 week. This is my first time with a broody and first time hatching so I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Eva is sitting in one of my 6 nest boxes. I put up a temporary fence around it with food and water and enough room for her to get out, walk a bit and poo. But, she is not doing that. I check on her constantly and she is not getting out, not drinking or eating and has only pooped once in a week. I tried taking her out and dipping her beak in the water to encourage her to at least drink. She won't. I tried putting a small water cup and some scratch in the nest in the corners so she could reach it but she ignores them completely. She growls and puffs up at me when I check on her, she moves around inside the nest but will not eat, drink or come out to poo. ???? Any advise? Leave her alone? Help. I don't want anything to happen to her. I am keeping the hen house ventilated so not worried about excessive heat. sorry to hijack but need some advise...
if you are really worried about her, I would try giving her some wet bread or a raw egg in a little dish, and see what she does , because your hen is very heavy broody, if she is not eating at all..? my broodies usually eat the meals I make for them and I find their water container would be down by half come dinner time, but I do make my hens a wet food out of the chicken feed mixed with water and what ever else I have for them left overs or what ever ,they love the chicken feed mixed with water and I make it like a mash thats similar to cooked oatmeal , I get stale bread Italian bread and soak that in water or try just regular fresh bread, try those ideas, she could be going out very early in the morning , even before sun up..?. 5 of my australorp hens & one Delaware hen had gone broody in June but it was so very hot they all just walked away and I don't blame them , it was so hot I began to worry for them & really I was glad they quite. but no worries your hen should be just fine..!!
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Wow, so glad I stumbled on this. I have a Black Australorp that went broody 3 weeks ago and nothing I did could break her. So, I went and got 8 fertilized eggs for her. Put them under her last Tuesday so she has been on them for 1 week. This is my first time with a broody and first time hatching so I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Eva is sitting in one of my 6 nest boxes. I put up a temporary fence around it with food and water and enough room for her to get out, walk a bit and poo. But, she is not doing that. I check on her constantly and she is not getting out, not drinking or eating and has only pooped once in a week. I tried taking her out and dipping her beak in the water to encourage her to at least drink. She won't. I tried putting a small water cup and some scratch in the nest in the corners so she could reach it but she ignores them completely. She growls and puffs up at me when I check on her, she moves around inside the nest but will not eat, drink or come out to poo. ???? Any advise? Leave her alone? Help. I don't want anything to happen to her. I am keeping the hen house ventilated so not worried about excessive heat. sorry to hijack but need some advise...
I have mostly australorps to black blue and a splash roo who pass away , I still miss him he was a great roo..!!! but hey no worries hijack away...!!!:thumbsup:highfive::D;)
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