Our First Broody and Incubator Hatch: a Diary


Here's a couple pics from today. His feathers have filled in, he's growing a tail and it looks like a tiny bow tie is coming in on his neck. 16.5 weeks.
@igorsMistress I wonder how big that he is now compared to his hatch mom Ruby?

I was trying to get pics of them together but Ruby was eating and the roo kinda does his own thing right now.

Over the last week or so I've noticed all the girls in their favorite spot and he's there on the outskirts keeping watch. I love to watch the flock dynamic change.
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@BlueBaby here's the roo with his mama, Ruby is top far left. He's taller than the girls and fairly close in body size but he's still waiting on those tail feathers to fully come in.

Ok, and yes, this help's me to see the comparison in what his size is now. He's not done growing yet, though! ;)

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