Our First Coop & Run


In the Brooder
May 27, 2020
Finally finished building our chicken coop and enclosed run. Chickens have a safe space and we (including the dogs) get hours of entertainment watching them.

The coop is a repurposed dog house and the attached run is 52 sqft. We currently have 2 standard sized silkies in there.

We live in a tropical climate so its warm all year round. The garden only gets a couple of hours sun a day and there are always shady spots in the run as the sun moves. We do get some rain though, so will be adding a roof soon.

Really want to make full use of the vertical space and include natural structures like logs etc. Unfortunately they are not readily available where we live.

Comments welcome :) Also any suggestions for in run entertainment would be great!


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Good ideas for 'hiding' places:

nice aviary!
Might be lost on the silkies as they don't fly.

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