Our first egg today! Update! More eggs... with a surprise!!


Mother Goose
10 Years
Apr 19, 2009
Central Ohio
We have an egg!!!

I had noticed Pumpkin, one of my Red Stars, was acting oddly this morning when I went out to feed at about 9:00am. She was making loud "whining" type sounds (louder than usual) and kept climbing in and out of one of the nest boxes. She'd climb in, sit, whine, and then climb out again and whine some more, acting very restless.

I figured something was up so I hung around outside the coop for a while, and then I heard clucking! True, honest-to-goodness clucking! I peeked in and Pumpkin was still in the nest box, just clucking away. It was so cute because Petunia, one of my White Rocks, was sitting on the perch outside that same nest box, sticking her head into the nest where Pumpkin was, and making little soothing noises.
I swear it was like she was saying, "It's okay... it's okay!" LOL

I thought my presence might be agitating them more so I went back into the house. About an hour later I saw Pumpkin out in the yard so I went out to the coop to investigate... and there it was!


I think it's a good size for a first egg! I don't have any store eggs in the house to compare it to, but it's certainly just as large, if not larger, than a medium-sized store egg!

She did a good job!
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I have a leg horn pullet that's been laying for 3 weeks that still lays eggs smaller than that.


Wish my Ameraucanas would start to lay!!
Yay! How old is Pumpkin? Im waiting impatiently, my girls are only about 14 weeks old - just curious how old Pumpkin is - and yes, please post a pic if you have one
My Red Star, Henrietta, just started this week, too!

It's so exciting! How old is Pumpkin? Mine made the weird noises, too and one of my other Red Stars kept checking up on her, too! They are so sweet!
How could I have forgotten a picture of Pumpkin?


Here she is! I tried to get her to look up at me but she was too interested in what she was scratching up, lol!


And here's Petunia... the White Rock who was checking up on Pumpkin in the nest box. She was still hanging out with her... they must be BFF's!

Pumpkin was hatched sometime around the week of April 13... at least by my best guess. We brought her and my other red stars home from TSC on April 16 and they had just gotten them in the day before.

Still no egg yet today, but I won't be surprised if she skips a day at first.
That first egg was a big effort, lol!

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