Our first experience with treats


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 15, 2010
Today we decided to give the babies their first treat, a little bit of scrambled eggs. We put it in a lid and set down. They were not even remotely interested. Then I tossed a piece towards the flock of scaredy birds hiding on the opposite side of the brooder...that set off the kentucky derby apparently. I don't think I ever had so much fun watching something eat. Apparently, these chickens are not civilized and would rather not eat off a plate,lol. Oh well. I just wanted to share my first treat experience with folks who probably don't think I am completely crazy. Non chicken lovers just look at me like I have six heads when I start getting excited about the chickens.
You'll find that 1) chickens are very hesitant when it comes to anything new, so the plate probably intimidated them, and 2) competition is a huge motivator with chickens...lol. It wouldn't matter if one grabbed a piece of paper, they'd all be after it...lol.
I don't think chicks would be interested in ice...maybe adult birds.
He he he...I noticed that about them. It sorta reminded me of the dodo birds on ice age. MINE! MINE MINE!!! I love watchin them their so funny. I didn't think about the plated intimidating them, but that is a good point.

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