Our hen laid 2 x 1/2 eggs...

and this thin shelled one just spit. lt's just that the split was so precise that had us baffled.
It looks like the shell split inside and was 'repaired' with further shelling.

We did some limestone in sour cream and those oyster shells ..
Not sure that will do it....the D3 is important for calcium absorption.
Tho the whole thing may just be a new layer glitch.

I’m sure you have other stores with a vitamin section.
Any store(grocery/drugstore) with a decent vitamin/supplement section should have the product type that @azygous posted.
I've had hens that were releasing two yolks per cycle and the calcium citrate remedied that, so they were then just releasing one per cycle. I don't know how the calcium therapy achieved that, only that it seemed to work.

The 660mg calcium citrate is powerful enough you shouldn't need to push the other forms of calcium. Again, this form of calcium is easier on a chicken's digestive system than calcium carbonate in such large amounts. It's much easier to administer, too. Just pop a pill into her beak once a day and you're done.

Once she's laying a proper egg, she can then go to oyster shell on demand for her calcium needs. The calcium citrate therapy is strictly short term as too much calcium over a longer period can harm the kidneys.
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Our Barred Plymouth Rock, Jane Aust-Hen, is 19 weeks and started laying this week. This afternoon she was unusually lethargic. Finally she climbed into a nesting box and laid an egg with a very thin shell, and part of the shell missing.
She kept moping around until she finally laid "the other half", which has a second yolk.
After a while she finally perked up and was back to normal. We're chalking the lethargy up to begin tired from the double lay... We fed her some limestone in sour cream to make sure she's getting enough calcium.
Is there anything that comes to mind that might be an issue to watch out for?
I attached a photo of her egg(s). That's how they laned.

Part of it may be her body adjusting to laying. It’s not unusual for newbies to lay double yoked eggs, shells all different shapes or no shells. It will probably straighten itself out. I do provide my chickens with oyster shell though.
Did they do an xray?
Where are the eggs?
This video names the parts of the reproductive system:
They did an x-ray. She had at least 3 somewhere in the oviduct (I didn't see the x-ray, my wife did). She's passed one yolk so far and has been given a hormone to stop her from laying for a month so this doesn't get worse. 🤦‍♀️ Chickens, amirite?
She's really pissed to be in isolation.


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