Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Yes, on both fronts Pam. We worked very closely with US and Canadian forces there. Just as I left the Danish were getting involved too. My darling wife dusted in there today. was really shocking. Seems they grind up those shavings and then when no one is watching have wood chip scratch fests!

All clean now. Ours are doing OK in our bigger brooder so far, hope to get then to 4 weeks in there, then we will do 'day trips' to the mobile coop for a week, then if weather permits we will start to keep them in the mobile coop over night. 6-7 weeks depending on space we will start the flock integration.

Looking over the newer chicks (same age as Wrightsx4's) we may have more males than first thought. We are certain about one of the 'lorp's, and beginning to think that the other two are males too. looking at the other pair's we are noticing they are feathering differently. One BV has a tiny comb and the other does not, one BV is feathering in a different pattern to the other, so we think we may have a pair. Similar story with the SPW (one has been names Amy now, as in Amy Wynadotte lol The other one was going to be Ryder, but now we think she's a he, so won't stick hahahaha

On the upside, looks as though 4 of the LA's are feathering the same pattern, just hope that is the 'female way' lol

Another thing I have noticed from the last two hatches is a spot on the wing/shoulder area. Milo from the last hatch had this little bare spot, quiet visible from the top. Also noticed today that all three BA's and the suspect BV have the same patch on the shoulder/wing joint. I will try get a shot of it on my phone. I have not read anything about it as a 'tell' but seems odd we can see it on the suspect males across 3 breeds and two hatches.

Will go try get that photo.
Sunday will be two weeks in the incubator. Out of 43 eggs set...37 are developing! I don't expect them all to hatch, but HOLY SMACKERS if they do! Talk about a wicked awesome hatch rate on chicks if they do, right. For being shipped, they say expect 50% hatch...

I wonder if you can explain away a fender bender by blaming teenage chickens....
Sounds awesome Nova! Shipped eggs to boot! Fingers crossed for you. I also see you are sneaking up on that 10k posts milestone too!

I got a couple of photo's, but I think I may be right, but also answered my own questions too.

It is noticeable on the suspected roo's, the expected females don't have it because they have feathers there already. The baby fluff must just wear off, and with different feathering patterns it's visible on some and not the others. Is that a male female sign, time will tell I guess. I cannot see how I would be the first to think of it, yet I have not read about it anywhere yet.

This is a 'sus' BA

Sus male BV (non curly toe), the other of the two BV's has grown feathers in a different pattern, and I estimate more too.

Second BV (with curly toe) Sus Female.

The LA's look pretty much the same as this one as far as feathering goes, think your right Pam about the two yellow ones being splash. They are feathering more whitish, yet there are some dark area's beginning to show in the new Rachis. Hope we get a nice mix there!

This one was hard to get, but it shows a top view of the two SPW's near each other. The one on the right has the bare patches, left has new feathers in that spot.

Interesting all the same, looking forward to seeing them grow out and know if that works as an early tell for us. The BA's had that visible at 2 weeks, but we already has suspicions from comb development and behavior.

Looks like of the 7 non L/A's, we could have as many as 5 males :(......might have to get that 'bator back out this season yet!
AH! That's what I was going to find and post for you... Curly toes... Criptoe... BUT Might change her name to Curly Sue... Hmmm

As a Chick, I got her at 2 weeks old. By then, it was already to late to try and straiten. Should have been done as soon as she was fluffed up. Anyway... She's also got 5 toes, and I thought she was going to be a faverolles chick... but nope... Total freaking surprise on me when she started fully feathering out!

Here she is with her first brood. She Decided to go broody. Laid in a nest box with no eggs, wouldn't let any other hen in with her. Laid 2 egg in there, and brooded just those two. Both were Silkie/NH crosses. She's an excelent mother. Roosts 5 feet up also. SO, I just check her feet every now and again to make sure there are no injuries to the toes. By the time she was grown, the toes on both feet and the inward curl. One foot is worse than the other, and she has only 1 straight toe.

Crikey, well I won't fuss over our one twisted toe! Our's seems to be nearly 90 deg rotated at the first knuckle. At first I thought it was a bend, but when I looked more closely I could see it curled because the joints could only flex down, which, with a rotated toe works sideways.

Does not seem to bother it so we will do the same and just keep an eye on it, make sure it does not end up with a complication.

Thanks for sharing Nova, always appreciate others input.
I have 4 weekers who just FINALLY covered their bare spots with some pretty feathering! I am thinking it is their awkward stage, much like a lot of people go through at a young age! Mine looked a bit scraggly! Random feathers popping out in odd spots, and bald patches, and the roos are trying to dominate! Gah! Good luck with yours!
Yeah... the awkward stage of the baby teeth falling out, and the big teeth coming in and being too big in such a little head. LOL.

I think my biggest kick when they are feathering out, is seeing how rapidly they change! I mean, Criptoe, she did not look like she was going to feather out the color she did at all! I guess that's the surprise with mystery chicks. LOL
Wow- I go to work and I'm all caught up and I check in and I've gotten behind on a LOT of posts! I really think you're onto something with the naked chick elbows. Unfortunately it appears my lost hen's baby is going to be a he. It's becoming clearer every day as the dark feathers pop out, and the overall "look" is more roo-ish. I had hope when the upper leg feathers started out white, but this morning I realized the tips were white but the new growth is dark. It has the naked "elbows" too... I'll need to find him a nice salmon faverolle girl.
Awesome rate so far Nova on the eggs - wow!- I have had terrible luck with shipped eggs. I would've thought Criptoe was an SF too without the beard/muffs. Sure looked like it as a chick. Maybe once you get your faverolles flock overstocked I can get a couple girls from you! ;) Not this year though- plenty of little ones right now.
Elbow...why didn't I think of calling them that hhahahaha

Shame about Baby's baby being a roo, I know you really wanted a little miss. At least he is healthy and she lives on. Going to mow the lawn today, then out little chicks might get some grass time this afternoon. Sun is out and it's a wonderful day.

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