Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Hey guys! It's been awhile since I've had a chance to get on the thread! Love the pictures! Good luck on the race Ben. I'm seeing pullet as well with those two!
It has been crazy busy around here! I think the last time I was on my RSL was broody...... she raised 5 chicks but lost one as she was cutting ties with them. She also went broody again and hatched 10 chicks this past weekend. Between her and the bantam Cochin we have had a broody all summer! Unfortunately 90% of the chicks are turning out to be cockerels. I have gotten a few new pullets from some friends so we should still be good as far as eggs go. I will try to load some pictures later if you want to see them. ?
@lindz8504 Pictures. Now.
Hey guys! It's been awhile since I've had a chance to get on the thread! Love the pictures! Good luck on the race Ben. I'm seeing pullet as well with those two!
It has been crazy busy around here! I think the last time I was on my RSL was broody...... she raised 5 chicks but lost one as she was cutting ties with them. She also went broody again and hatched 10 chicks this past weekend. Between her and the bantam Cochin we have had a broody all summer! Unfortunately 90% of the chicks are turning out to be cockerels. I have gotten a few new pullets from some friends so we should still be good as far as eggs go. I will try to load some pictures later if you want to see them. ?

Hi Kindz, has been a while! Glad to hear your flock is growing.

We had one broody, that became two, and this morning is seems our SF 'Sal' has decided to fluffy up and make mumma sounds too......3 broodie's in 4 days! I don't think we will be giving anyone eggs this time.
Such cute babies!

Good luck for the race tomorrow Ben!
Thank you, I am heading down there today to help make final preparations on the course, then an early night. I will report back Sunday :)

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