Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Until today, I have never seen a story about Australian football in our media. Now it did reach the news threshold though, with the final having been played in the weekend. And what did they write about, you ask? Well, the woman disrobing and dancing around naked of course.
Yes, gets hard to stow the inner voice, but the feeling is amazing when you do. The further eat I had ever run but about 32km!

I heard there was a streaker at the footy, I still haven'tseen anything though.

I got some chicken pics yesterday but they are not posting from my phone:(
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Seems our Dusty is a still a bit shy. A few times i have found him tucked into a nest box on top of a golf ball.

The rest of the new flock have settled in ok, not exactly 'in' with the older girls but not having fights picked either. They are out in the run, eating and drinking. I do worry a bit about Dusty though, so he gets a bit extra attention from time to time to make sure he gets some food. I take him to the run and plonk him down in front of to food and water once or twice a day.

I have not been able to load from my phone to here so the pics are still away. I need to cross load them to my PC.

Egg count certainly drops off with 3 broodies in the house!
Plugged my phone into the PC and the process took much longer than expected. New ios8 update, re-starts, blah blah blah....forever later I managed to extract the pics off my phone.

So, here we go, the new flock and a bonus egg shot at 16 weeks.

Summer laid this whopper, next to Maran egg

Dusty the feather duster

Palomino NH roo and the Wylkie cross

Ginger the Cochin
Haha, Dusty looks completely ridiculous
But in a good way. The blue ears are amazing.
Dusty is my favourite Vehve.
He's gorgeous & I love the bits of red on his wings. I wish you could keep him Ben. I'm sure he would be popular with all the ladies & he looks nuturing too. I'd better toughen up. My first chicks are due to make their appearance in just over a week.

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