Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

I think there is also a differentiation with known infected flocks versus older birds as well.
From my limited exposure to this, I think the exposure is key. If it's going to work on an older bird and be effective it needs to be before the disease takes hold. I think of it in it's human form, better to prevent it than treat it, because once someone has it, it can't be undone. Probably over simplified but works for me! Nova, I did try quote you too, but deleted the wrong bit....meh. Me and phones don't always work out! You are right about people on the net. I have been on many forums and seen many things happen. Some just take the Internet to heart and it can turn south real quick. Not that I suspected that here, you are all adults and grounded people :) I can't always say the same for myself lol. As for the neighbours, I think they already have the men in white jump suits on speed dial. I met one of them over the fence while wearing very little clothing and the topic of my 'relaxed dress standards' came up lol. He said his mum had no complaints hahahaha Still no bum nuts, maybe tomorrow.
Dress Standards in ones own backyard? Good thing I don't live there! But then again no neighbours are close enough to see my backyard.

We have low fences lol. He was not complaining, just that they notice I get around in just shorts most of the time.
How old are your chickens now?
Oh oldest ones are pretty much 24 weeks, and our younger ones are 5 weeks behind them
Well, as long as his mama has no complaints. LOL
Hahahahaa, she waves a lot lol.

I am really crook today, think I had something bad yesterday so I will be taking it easy at home. Might go watch some chicken TV and see if I feel better. Might hear that elusive egg song.
In case your chooks need a reminder:

An Egg: The round or oval female reproductive body of various animals, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, and insects, consisting usually of an embryo surrounded by nutrient material and a protective covering.
I am feeling almost normal again this morning. Was some pretty rough food poisoning, the dehydration seemed to be the worse of it. Thanks for asking.

Following Oz's advise I read the girls the riot act verbatim yesterday, but it may have lacked the required conviction given my illness. It did not work yesterday. Today we have some great weather, so maybe today. Alicia seems confident that today is the day. I'm not so confident.

We seem to be the laughing stock of the locals lol (and probably here too hahaha) So many chickens, and so few eggs. We got given what I call a dozen 'sympathy eggs' from some friends lol, and last night we were offered more from another family. Was funny to watch unfold as the wife knew we weren't getting anything, the husband had no idea. The husband was explaining "we get so many every day that we can't hold them in our hands, we have to take a carton down or get the kids to help" meanwhile the wife is making all sorts of signs to stop hahahaha Like I might actually find it offensive or something lol Ended with being offered to take some of their eggs home and an apology for being 'insensitive' I had to laugh at that. I wanted to know how many, what colour and size they were getting. I am in patient for ours, not delicate about others hahahaha.

Moving on, we have decided to process another rooster. We currently have two, Barney the BV and Smudge the Ara. Smudge is well coloured and the active alpha. Good to carry and 'doing his job' but he is incredibly loud. He has a very full crow. Barney on the other hand is bigger and looking very nice (apart from a little crooked toe) but he is not yet covering any of the girls, and even though he is bigger than Smudge he is very submissive. He is awkward to carry, sometimes kicks a foot out and claws me, or gets a wing loose. His crow is not very loud.

During the night the crowing is not such an issue, they are in the box and it is very muffled, but when we let them out they get into crow off's. One goes, then the other and on and on it goes. I fear we are on limited complaint time with the two going off like clockwork. I am hoping that is we reduce out numbers we can reduce the crowing by better than 50%, and hopefully buy a little more time.

I will get a few pictures today, a shame as he is a good looking fellow, but Barney has been selected for roasting duties.
I am feeling almost normal again this morning. Was some pretty rough food poisoning, the dehydration seemed to be the worse of it. Thanks for asking.

Following Oz's advise I read the girls the riot act verbatim yesterday, but it may have lacked the required conviction given my illness. It did not work yesterday. Today we have some great weather, so maybe today. Alicia seems confident that today is the day. I'm not so confident.

We seem to be the laughing stock of the locals lol (and probably here too hahaha) So many chickens, and so few eggs. We got given what I call a dozen 'sympathy eggs' from some friends lol, and last night we were offered more from another family. Was funny to watch unfold as the wife knew we weren't getting anything, the husband had no idea. The husband was explaining "we get so many every day that we can't hold them in our hands, we have to take a carton down or get the kids to help" meanwhile the wife is making all sorts of signs to stop hahahaha Like I might actually find it offensive or something lol Ended with being offered to take some of their eggs home and an apology for being 'insensitive' I had to laugh at that. I wanted to know how many, what colour and size they were getting. I am in patient for ours, not delicate about others hahahaha.

Moving on, we have decided to process another rooster. We currently have two, Barney the BV and Smudge the Ara. Smudge is well coloured and the active alpha. Good to carry and 'doing his job' but he is incredibly loud. He has a very full crow. Barney on the other hand is bigger and looking very nice (apart from a little crooked toe) but he is not yet covering any of the girls, and even though he is bigger than Smudge he is very submissive. He is awkward to carry, sometimes kicks a foot out and claws me, or gets a wing loose. His crow is not very loud.

During the night the crowing is not such an issue, they are in the box and it is very muffled, but when we let them out they get into crow off's. One goes, then the other and on and on it goes. I fear we are on limited complaint time with the two going off like clockwork. I am hoping that is we reduce out numbers we can reduce the crowing by better than 50%, and hopefully buy a little more time.

I will get a few pictures today, a shame as he is a good looking fellow, but Barney has been selected for roasting duties.
Just to kick a man when he is down, our quail started laying yesterday.

I told you my crystal ball said that you will get an egg on a sunday - just not sure which one. I am so hoping today is the day.
I am feeling almost normal again this morning. Was some pretty rough food poisoning, the dehydration seemed to be the worse of it. Thanks for asking.

Following Oz's advise I read the girls the riot act verbatim yesterday, but it may have lacked the required conviction given my illness. It did not work yesterday. Today we have some great weather, so maybe today. Alicia seems confident that today is the day. I'm not so confident.

We seem to be the laughing stock of the locals lol (and probably here too hahaha) So many chickens, and so few eggs. We got given what I call a dozen 'sympathy eggs' from some friends lol, and last night we were offered more from another family. Was funny to watch unfold as the wife knew we weren't getting anything, the husband had no idea. The husband was explaining "we get so many every day that we can't hold them in our hands, we have to take a carton down or get the kids to help" meanwhile the wife is making all sorts of signs to stop hahahaha Like I might actually find it offensive or something lol Ended with being offered to take some of their eggs home and an apology for being 'insensitive' I had to laugh at that. I wanted to know how many, what colour and size they were getting. I am in patient for ours, not delicate about others hahahaha.

Moving on, we have decided to process another rooster. We currently have two, Barney the BV and Smudge the Ara. Smudge is well coloured and the active alpha. Good to carry and 'doing his job' but he is incredibly loud. He has a very full crow. Barney on the other hand is bigger and looking very nice (apart from a little crooked toe) but he is not yet covering any of the girls, and even though he is bigger than Smudge he is very submissive. He is awkward to carry, sometimes kicks a foot out and claws me, or gets a wing loose. His crow is not very loud.

During the night the crowing is not such an issue, they are in the box and it is very muffled, but when we let them out they get into crow off's. One goes, then the other and on and on it goes. I fear we are on limited complaint time with the two going off like clockwork. I am hoping that is we reduce out numbers we can reduce the crowing by better than 50%, and hopefully buy a little more time.

I will get a few pictures today, a shame as he is a good looking fellow, but Barney has been selected for roasting duties.
Good to hear that your feeling better now! Did Barney get a proper invite to the dinner?


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