Our new Buff... HEN???

hmmm... ok, upon further examination, I do believe it's a hen. She looks very much like a hen, as far as being short and fat. And she is acting very motherly to the 4 new 7 week old chicks we got with her (they might be hers? not sure)

I did run down and get pictures but will post them later on, in a new post, because I took pics of all our Buffs except my for sure rooster and I want to confirm their gender on all of them.
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Buff orp hens at 1 year will have huge red wattles and combs. My girls are 7 months and have large wattles and combs - I'd say that's a girl.

A lot of people who see my chickens for the first time think I have nothing but roosters because they think that large red wattles/combs mean rooster - too many cartoons....
You know, from what i have seen, dominant hens will have large wattles/combs and will also be of much brighter color than other non-dominant hens. As soon as i sold my rooster, two of my girls wattles got HUGE along with their combs, and also became a much brighter color. If i didnt know any better, id say they were maturing roo's!

So, maybe she's a dominant hen? Not completely sure, but i hope i helped

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