Our new chicks....but what are they!!?


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 22, 2011
Speyside, Scotland
Hi everyone

A newbie here
Looking forward to being on the forum with you all! So much wonderful advice!

We brought home some new chicks this weekend!

The 2 teenie ones were hatched on our behalf they are 9 days old now- and supposed to be gold/partridge silkies....and the other is supposed to be a Lavender Pekin and she is 3 weeks

But on closer inspection.....one has orange legs....none have 5 toes.....hmmmm!!!

They are to be family pets so will love them regardless but just wondered if these little girlies looked familiar to anyone??

Thanks in advance

Tracy x

woops better go figure how to add photos....will update!!!

....editted to add photos

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Silkies, and I believe Pekins, are supposed to have feathered legs. None of your chicks have even feathered legs. I'm not sure what they are but as they grow and feather out some more, we should be able to help you some with that.

Those there are Lesser Cutellium Chickiuses. I would understand completely if you decided to get rid of them by giving them to me. I'm very giving like that and take one for the team.

ok in all seriousness they're deeply adorable and need a few weeks for IDing.
Hee Hee Pele - thanks
For a split second I almost did copy and paste to go see what came up on google for Lesser Cutellium Chickiuses!!

Pretty little Angel with orange legs is really changing! Her wings are growing and such pretty patterns...are her markings on eyes a clue perhaps?

They are all thriving and just so much fun!! Thanks everyone xx

Since the seller didn't know what exactly they are, I would say they are barnyard mixes. Let's wait about 4-8 weeks and then post some new pictures. We may be able to tell you what they are crossed with at that point.

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