Our New kitten Update pictures of Fuzzy and Turbo page2

He is a beautiful little guy, he looks very happy to be living with you!
thank you all for your kidness, I am sooo happy and as most of you knew about my Oliver before, yes the boy will help me continue the pass of oliver and Dante, now I have 3 girl cats and two boys.
What a gorgeous kitten! I love those silver gray cats; had two of them and lost them both last Fall, one to pancreatitis and one to kidney failure. I've been yearning for a kitten, but I know that one will find me, one way or another, one of these days. In the meantime, I'll just love the three I still have (two tuxedo cats and a tortie). I do think that the gray ones are the prettiest, though. Hope he turns out to be as good a bud as your Oliver was!

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