Our Pekin girl was attacked by a bobcat 😭😭😭


Dec 19, 2022
Got the call from my wife that our girl wat attacked about 45 min ago. She's conscious but not in good shape and no vet within 2 hours is willing to see her. Apparently, the cat pulled her head through the fence and had ahold of her neck. She has 4 holes but the bleeding has stopped. Damn I hate cats, any ideas or tips???
Sorry about your duck. You are lucky, since we had 3 hens last year killed in mid afternoon by a bobcat. We only knew what it was when it came back to get the last body. You can spray some saline or wound spray, and then apply plain Neosporin or similar twice a day. Other birds may peck the red, so I would separate her for the time being. Treat her for shock, with sugar water or elctrolytes water. Keep her in a dim quiet spot. Offer food once she is drinking. Let us know how she gets along.
I cleaned her up and brought her inside. Shes in a tote with hay resting. Definitely 4 punctures and maybe a spot under her wing. I cleaned everything I could with peroxide and sprayed it with veterinarian plus. She's very sweet and tame but I don't want to over stress her. We are beside ourselves because she's our little egg machine that has layed over 95 eggs in the last 100 days.
Peroxide is not bad to use once with bite wounds, but saline or Vetericyn wound spray would be more mild. Peroxide can prevent tissue healing. If there is ever evidence of infection, you can use Hibiclens chlorhexidene and a little water, then rinse it off. Saline is made by dissolving 2 tsp of salt in a quart or liter of wafter. Plain antibiotic ointment will help to prevent infection and help healing. Please give us an update on her condition. Offer fluids often.
Peroxide is not bad to use once with bite wounds, but saline or Vetericyn wound spray would be more mild. Peroxide can prevent tissue healing. If there is ever evidence of infection, you can use Hibiclens chlorhexidene and a little water, then rinse it off. Saline is made by dissolving 2 tsp of salt in a quart or liter of wafter. Plain antibiotic ointment will help to prevent infection and help healing. Please give us an update on her condition. Offer fluids often.
I have some electrolyte mix for our chicks and mixed some of that with water and she's drinking some. Yes, I used peroxide for the first clean up to help rinse the red blood away to be sure she's not still bleeding, which she's not, thank God! I'll use vetericyn and antibiotic cream from here on.

I have 4 driveway alarms setup on that side of the house to warn when it comes back. When it does, I have a surprise for it.😎
OK, wow, what a day. I ended up downloading the Airvet app and doing a televisit with a vet. He recommended putting her on Amoxicillin and Cyprofloxacin, which thankfully we have always. I just needed to go get a scale to get an accurate weight. He said cats are really bad due to the bacteria they have in their mouths and gave her a 20% chance. The bite area is swelling and her activity has lessened. I'm so heartbroken and praying our girl pulls through. I might put the 2 of them in a kennel together but with a divider. They are absolutely inseparable and she is everything to our drake, as he is to her. 💔😥
Enrofloxacin 10% liquid which is similar to cipro, is available online. So is AquaMox amoxicillin, but would take several days to arrive.
Two different antibiotics or either one? Seems like overkill to use both. Did they give prescriptions?
He said to use both because of blood infection. He said it was kinda a hail mary due to the risk of infection. He was going to call in a script but I have a stock of 5 antibiotics on hand at all times.

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