Our Rooster attacked my son! Now what!?

Rooster needs to go bye bye birdy - NOW. Put up an ad somewhere ' Free rooster," and no questions asked. He'd probably look good in a pot with dumplings and noodles. Some people feel if you make a pet out of a rooster they loose respect & fear of humans. Being a pet in the previous
home didn't teach him to be a chicken, only a spoiled lap dog watching tv.

I hope this didn't traumatize your son, he is adorable. The rooster probably went for him because he was a shorter, smaller target - his clothes coloring weren't the reason.
Till then I've been locking the roo on the coop. While my son and I are in there. He doesn't like it but I don't care. Thanks guys for the reassurance. My son still loves his hens abd they love him

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