I'm considering making some changes to my flock. I have some questions...but first, a little background.
We built our first coop in February 2010. Got our fist chickens the same month. There is a local farm that raises pullets for sale so we were lucky to get a variety. We have the following varieties:
Rhode Island Red (she is a rebel!)
Ameraucana's or Easter Eggers, light blue and green eggs
Buff Orpington (became very broody, and fast)
Silver Laced Wyandotte (she ended up being our largest bird, and I think that's why we lost her to the summer heat)
Gold Laced Wyandotte
Welsummer (she took the longest to start laying)
Black Astralorp (she ate the eggs so she had to go)
My questions:
They are approaching 2 years old. Their age and the shortened daylight, we are down to 1 or 2 eggs a day (in full swing summer we sometimes got one egg from each bird).
My options are to eat, sell/give away or keep and add younger birds but feed is not cheap.
If I harvest them at near two years old, does the meat taste good? Will egg production pick back up in Spring or have they basically reached and passed their peak egg productivity?
I want to maybe try some new varieties, can you suggest some, other than the ones I listed already?
I have more details and tons of pics on my page.
Thanks for all the advice and help.
We built our first coop in February 2010. Got our fist chickens the same month. There is a local farm that raises pullets for sale so we were lucky to get a variety. We have the following varieties:
Rhode Island Red (she is a rebel!)
Ameraucana's or Easter Eggers, light blue and green eggs
Buff Orpington (became very broody, and fast)
Silver Laced Wyandotte (she ended up being our largest bird, and I think that's why we lost her to the summer heat)
Gold Laced Wyandotte
Welsummer (she took the longest to start laying)
Black Astralorp (she ate the eggs so she had to go)
My questions:
They are approaching 2 years old. Their age and the shortened daylight, we are down to 1 or 2 eggs a day (in full swing summer we sometimes got one egg from each bird).
My options are to eat, sell/give away or keep and add younger birds but feed is not cheap.
If I harvest them at near two years old, does the meat taste good? Will egg production pick back up in Spring or have they basically reached and passed their peak egg productivity?
I want to maybe try some new varieties, can you suggest some, other than the ones I listed already?
I have more details and tons of pics on my page.
Thanks for all the advice and help.
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