Outcrossing in Indigos and Hazels

So I played the punett square game & this is what came up:
If you put a Hazel/indigo male over bronze females, all female offspring will be Hazel/indigo and all male offspring will be bronze split purple/Hazel/indigo.

If you put Hazel/indigo male over purple females OR purple male over Hazel/indigo females, all offspring will be purple split bronze/Hazel/indigo.

Then if you take hens from the first cross and cover them with a male from the second cross, half of the offspring should be purple split bronze/Hazel/indigo and the other half should be full Hazel/indigo.

Of course this is all theoretical and does not take into consideration other possible splits the original birds are carrying, but thats very tough to predict.

Attached is a pic of my calculations:
Ok. I must have missed something somewhere.
Aren't Hazel & Indigo two names for the same color genetically? Isnt Hazel/indigo what happens when purple & bronze together? Don't Hazel/indigo peacocks carry 2 copies of purple and 2 copies of bronze? Don't Hazel/indigo hens carry 2 copies of bronze and 1 copy of purple(d/t sex-linked color)? So shouldnt crossing a Hazel/indigo(purple and bronze) male to a bronze hen, set the stage for female offspring to end up with both single purple needed and 2 copies of bronze (and therefore Hazel/indigo)? Are there other factors involved that I missed?

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