Outdoor brooding, taking the plunge......


In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2015
Well, these chicks have to get out of my living room, plus they out grew their indoor brooder.

I've read mixed things about it, almost complete and total opposite opinions, but most of them say they'd be fine.

Maybe someone has an opinion or tip I did t see/hear already? They'd be much appreciated.

My little ladies are 3 weeks today and this container I converted to a brooder is awesome for them.

I work at a recycling facility and this container came through the line. They're rather expensive to purchase but it's an awesome brood box imho.

They seem to agree too!

I'm all for getting chicks out of the house ASAP - they are messy! That looks like a sturdy setup to me. My chicks go out into the small 4x8 coop at around 2 weeks with a brooder plate, and by 4 weeks of age have free access to the run as well.
Looks wonderful! I never brood in the house, I can't imagine breathing all that dust/dander....Ick. Just be sure they're safe from predators and you should be good to go.
That net is actually supposed to be screwed to the top of the lid of that giant container. I removed it and installed it there because these little girls are extremely flighty. When I'm not home and at night the lid is closed. I took a 2 1/2 hole saw and drilled vent holes a cross the top of the containers sides.

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