Outside heat effects on chickens

From people I know that live in hot or tropical climates, they drink a lot of hot tea during the hottest weather. They have told me it cools from the inside out. Also drinking water at room temperature is better for the body to metabolize. Something having to do with the cold temps in the inner body. I don't know! Personaly, I do know if it is hot out like it is today with high humidity, I'd rather have the ice water!
I give my hens fresh, cold water in my waterer and anything else that will hold water such as rubber bowls and plastic buckets, have plenty of shade with cool dirt to dust bathe in (my hens free-range, so finding shade isn't a big issue), get them wet under the faucet when they get extremely uncomfortable with the heat (mostly their back, under the wings, belly and legs,), and offer cold food such as watermelon.

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