Ova View - Standard Intensity Candler


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 4, 2014
Can anyone tell me how well the Ova View - Standard Intensity Candler works with dark blue eggs?? If not, can anyone recommend a good candler? Using a regular flashlight to candle my EE eggs is finally starting to drive me crazy! Thank you for your help!
I haven't had experience of blue eggs but have done some quite dark brown ones and some quail eggs with ova view and found it worked well could see the veins and the movement in the egg.

I would recommend it as I also find it easy to handle and the rubber ring on it makes a good seal on the egg so you get the full light going into the egg. Good luck in your search for a new candler :frow
Thank you! I would think if it can help you see through dark brown eggs it should be able to give me at least a better peak into my blue eggs then my flashlight. :p

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