

In the Brooder
Feb 28, 2015
I had hatched 14 baby chicks this weekend. Last night when I went to bed I p it a towel over the box they are in. It was cold because my window was open. When I awoke this morning 9 had died. 2 don't look good and the other 3 seem fine. I was extremely upset. My favorite, chuck, who was the first one to hatch somehow got out of the box through one of the little handles. He surived. So now I only have five and I am very upset.
It got so hot in the box I think they Cooked to death
I'm sorry you had to go through that. Its horrible and sad.

I assume you had a heat lamp on them? Were they all piled on top of each other? Its best to put the heat toward one end, then watch them. If they go toward the heat, they are too cold. Lower the lamp. If they go away from it, they are too warm, raise the lamp. Best of luck with the ones that are left. And make sure those get plenty to drink. You don't want them to dehydrate.
What kind of blub are you using? Is it coated with Teflon? Those bulb
will outgas carbon monoxide when on and kill chickens of any age.

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