Overran with FLEAS!!!!!!!!Please Help


10 Years
Feb 8, 2009
can anyone tell me if anything really will kill fleas ,i live in N.E.texas and lots of sand and the fleas are so bad have tried just about anything ,give dogs capstar and K9 Advatge,i have treeted the carpet and fruture,the yard PLEASE ADVICE IF YOU KNOW OF ANYTHING THAT WILL REAALY WORK thanks
I would try a new product for the dogs called Comfortis. I work at a vet clinic in louisiana and this product has blown away the other products. It is a pill form that last for 30-45 days. In your yard I would use Bayer Complete Insect Killer For Soil & Turf Concentrate. You would need to use this product every 2 weeks.
Make sure that any flea product you use isn't something the fleas have built a resistance to. In our area, Advantage has that problem--we had to use something else.
Comfortis is great, used monthly like Advantix. There's also a wonderful product you can put in the carpet called Flea Stoppers...it's safe for humans and animals...basically dehydrates the fleas/eggs when they hit the carpet. I've used it forever and I recommend it to my clients.

ETA: The flea powder only has to be applied once a year.
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Sprinkle 20 mule team borax on your carpets and don't vacuum for a while. It will work its way down and scratch them to death; not a poison. My son is a flea magnet; he only had to apply it once.
comfortis is the best!!!!! worked great on my rotty's now they only get a bath when they get too dirty to come inside. about once a month. and for fleas in yard i used dawn dish soap as it sufficates the fleas on contact
Borax in the house liberally...I tossed a lot of DE in places the dogs rest during the day when we are outsdie working...I boarded a dog and he brought passengers...some stayed behind and reproduced...capstar on the dogs...tape wormed the dogs at 17 $ a pop...they have gone now...KILLED "EM ALL!!!! I also dumped all the dog beds from inside the house...they were old and needed replacing...not that the dogs ever use them...my bed and the sofa are much prefered...
I have tried everything too....the best thing that worked for me, was to Frontline the dogs and cats. I buy it in the spray bottle, it last longer and is cheaper than buying the individual doses.

Then I cut the grass, and laid on thick D.E. Bought it by the 50lb bag at the feedstore, I even powdered the dogs with it. Make sure you put in on the places they like to hang out too. I am not completely flea free, but it really help cut down the numbers. Oh, I used one of those "thingies" that is used to spread fertilzer to lay out the D.E....made it easier.

thank you all so much for sounding off with these ideas,can anyone tell me where can I find this Comfortis, and fles stoppers i willing to try anything they are eating us all alive dogs and humans

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