Owlet's Blog

Really? Thanks.
I love Lala so much. She's blue colored. What weird is I have 3 blues and they all love people. Does anyone else notice this?

Owlet is great. She's super healthy but I notice she a has a slight parrot beak. She can eat fine but it looks funny!
Owlet hates people though. I think she's still scared I'm going to try and force feed her again.
My favourite memory is when I first cleaned her pasty bum when she was about 5 days old.
I got the crusty poop off and then she lets out this huge fart and a ton of poop comes rushing out of her little bum bum.

It was disgusting but kinda cute at the same time!
When Owlet gets all snooty remind her of that.
Lala decided to go broody.
She plucked a million feathers out of her breast to line her nest and started growling at the sight of humans by her broody box.
After taking her eggs away and removing her from them she has finally stopped acting broody.

The chicks are doing great. Owlet has been giving me more time of day and I have a little tiny baby rooster who started crowing at....... 12 weeks old. I'm serious. You've got to meet this little man.

There's going to be a fight to save Pheonix though because a influential family member has decided that my sweet baby roo shall end up in the stew pot!!!!!
Wow, Owlet and the other chicks sure have grown!
I hope you are able to save phoenix. Nightmare is very pretty! I wish I could have him! I hope you find a good home for him.

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