Owlet's Blog

Thanks for the update Owlet I was getting worried about you. Wow your outside in the big coop that's nice. Your taking up for yourself that's aways important expecially since your smaller then the other chicks. Take care and let us know how your doing.
April 15th, 2016.
Mum's note: I'm sorry I haven't done a entry in forever, I'm sorry. I was busy.

Sooooo much has happened!
We moved outside a few days ago. We has our own coop now. Mum makes sure that we go in at night because we still have trouble with that.
The night before last we tried to sleep under the coop stairs and Mum had to pull us all out.
That didn't make her very happy!
I'm almost fully feathered even though I'm still a bit small.
I am still smaller that all the other chicks but I have a big attitude! I like to boof chicks off the feeder when they're in my way.
I've been getting a little jealous.
LB runs up to Mum whenever she comes to visit me and get's tons of cuddles.
But I don't really care that much.
I have the sun on my face, my chick friends to warm me and a nice comfy coop.

K guys, that it, LB's calling me over to the communal dustbath.
Mum's Note:
Sorry I haven't been updating you on Owlet's doings lately.
Is it Ok with you guys if I update you in my words, not hers? I know it's not as fun to read that way but it is easier for me.
If so I'll update you;
Owlet is doing great. She is definitely out-of-the-woods from the sickness episode when she was about a week old (when I started this thread).
She is not small anymore. In fact she's bigger than LB and lives the high life in the coop with the big chickens. The big hens (I have four, Lala, Chanti, Easter and Beth) are very nice to the chicks, aside form the occasional dirty look.
She likes to dustbath and sleep in the sun.
But for some reason she has decided that Mum can only look, no touch. She never was super eager for me to pick her up (for feeding time, cuddles, etc) but when I reach a hand out to her she runs off. I've only been able to touch her once or twice since she moved to the big run and the adult chicken house.
She is thriving. Bright eyes, fancy feathers (I'll get a pic soon) and she's working her way up to the top of the flock.
Now I have a new pet project: LB.
Poor Little LB. Her cross-beak is getting very severe and she's having trouble getting proper nutrition. She's getting on the skinny side and is very small.
She runs around and is constantly eating but the poor girl has trouble getting food into her mouth. She's become my little sweetheart, she follows me everywhere she can.
She eats 18% Step 3 Chick Crumble in a dish so it's a bit easier to get food than a sliding top chick feed for example.
Does anyone have any tips or experiences that might help me get some food into Little Blackie (LB).

I'm really worried. If it get's any worse it might have to become another fight like Owlet's.
I'm going to try and avoid that because when I was helping out Owlet when she was really sick I was getting up and spoon feeding her special formula 3 times in the middle of the night and 4 times in the day. It made me quite sick in fact and after she got better I got sick and lost a lot of weight.
I'd do it all again in a heartbeat though, if it means my little peepers are healthy.

ANY tips about getting more nutrition into LB will be greatly appreciated!!!
Whatever way you want to write is fine with me. If your voice is easier that works for me.

Owlet has come a long way thanks to your help and nursing. Now she is a big girl and she's being snooty. Just keep reminding her she wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.
I've got a duck that did me the same way. I helped her out of her shell and now she doesn't want me to touch her. She does eat out of my hand but that's it.

Years ago when I was in group on yahoo about chickens a woman had a cross beak chicken. She always told us she made little noodles out of the chicken food. She would roll them and put them in the side of her chickens beak. I can't remember how she made the noodles but you might give it a try. The chicken thrived after she started eatting more. Good luck with that I hope you can get her to eat more.

Thanks so much for the update. I've been checking my subscribe threads to see if you wrote anything. Have a great day.
I know. I need to get better at updating;) LB is my new project since Owlet is thriving.
I've been trying new things like giving LB a special formula like what I gave Owlet but LB's much harder to feed than Owlet was. She's so picky and doesn't want to eat the mash, she only only likes the raw, dry chick crumble

I might have to hospitalize her (put her in the house, in a crate) with a willing buddy for company if she doesn't start shaping up.
Unfortunately being in the hospital is a stressful situation because it's small, a bit dark, not as sunny and lonely (unless I opt to put a buddy in with her).

I'm also looking into beak trimming.
Have a great day too!
Poor Lb her beak is so twisted I don't know how she eats anything. Keep trying to find something she likes. Good luck with that.

Have a nice day.

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