Oxine AH for COVID19/Coronavirus?


12 Years
Mar 15, 2011
Hey folks,

Has anyone else considered fogging your homes with Oxine to protect against Coronavirus/COVID19?

What are your thoughts on this?

Ack! You might want to rethink that.

I've often not activated Oxine in the hen house, but I am rethinking it now (and especially now that I think I might fog my house). Your comment lead me to read Revival's How to Use Oxine (https://www.revivalanimal.com/pet-health/how-to-use-oxine-ah/learning-center) page to get a full understanding of the activated vs. unactivated uses (finally!).

You can use unactivated Oxine as a bacteriostat (kills bacteria), but to kill viruses, you must activate it.

If you want a handy spray for Amazon boxes, you might be better off with diluted bleach or an alcohol spray. (btw, I'm using Amazon Grocery for the first time and am very impressed with it. They have a lot of what I need and are super fast!).
i have used ( oxine ) to sanitize air conditioning ducts for many years know. This is the only way i new this product to be used. I am new to Back Yard Chickens and am learning a lot from this site. But being in the HV/Ac field is how i know about it. Just baby keeping your ducts clean might help the house stay a little safer.
I don't even know how long it takes for chlorine gas to dissipate, do you?
I'm going to answer my own question. :)

I just called Revival and a woman named Elise told me to fog the house for at least 10 minutes, then open the windows to allow the gas to dissipate, and leave the house for at least 2 hours.
What are your thoughts on this?
Seems extreme...unless you know it's floating around in your house.

I just called Revival and a woman named Elise told me to fog the house for at least 10 minutes, then open the windows to allow the gas to dissipate, and leave the house for at least 2 hours.
Good move calling the pros.
Will this kill the virus on surfaces or just in the air?
I don't *know* but that's kind of the problem. No one knows where it is. I know an elderly person with a housemate that just moved out. I was thinking about fogging her house for good measure. If he has it and is asymptomatic, it very well could be in the air. But if he is asymptomatic, we would have no idea that he has it.

She's in several high-risk groups, so erring on the side of caution might be a good thing.

The great question is about cleaning surfaces! I figured the answer was yes because if you are using it in your barn/hen house, one goal is the clean the surfaces, but I don't like to assume too much, so I called back and spoke with D.D. (I'm using names because these gals are so friendly and helpful and really give excellent customer service, so here's a shout out to the great employees of Revival!). D.D. confirmed that it does clean surfaces. She also reminded me (good thing, because I had forgotten) to let the solution sit for 15 minutes after activating it before using it.

To recap: put on your mask and gloves, activate it, let it sit for 15 minutes, get everyone out of the house and open the windows, fog for 10 minutes (I will do the upstairs for 10 and the downstairs for 10), leave the house for at least 2 hours, and voila! All done!

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