Oxine--Not the miracle for me!


12 Years
Mar 15, 2011
There are so many posts about Oxine and how great it is both on this forum and around the internet. Why is it that I'm the only one not convinced of its amazing curative abilities?

I was so excited to receive my Oxine in the mail. I thought my chickens would be cured within 10 days. Today is my 10th day treating my hens with Oxine in the nebulizer. For a week before I acquired the nebulizer, I treated them with Oxine in a spray bottle. They have been treated with Oxine in some fashion for 18 days, but they are still sneezing.

When they first showed signs of an upper respiratory ailment, I treated them with a broad-spectrum antibiotic. That ended the whistling and most of the wheezing right away, but there was still sneezing and the occasional runny nose. That's when I ordered Oxine.

I am not even sure what I'm looking for here. I'll take anything: advice, suggestions, similar experiences, whatever. I want to be a believer of this product, but so far, I am not won over.

FYI, I started with a partial teaspoon to the gallon (a dosage I found around this forum) and then I increased it to 2 oz to the gallon (I was told this was okay by the vet at Revival).
Oh gosh, and now I just went out to the coop and discovered a hen who had not been previously ill now has an eye sealed shut. I'm going to put some saline solution into her eyes and put some Neosporin ointment there (that's all I have handy).
Could it be something environmental? Examples would be ammonia fumes from soiled bedding, previous pesticide use on the ground, dust, feed dust caught in nasal passage, pollen, cedar bedding, overuse of DE/poultry dust etc...
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There are so many posts about Oxine and how great it is both on this forum and around the internet. Why is it that I'm the only one not convinced of its amazing curative abilities?

I was so excited to receive my Oxine in the mail. I thought my chickens would be cured within 10 days. Today is my 10th day treating my hens with Oxine in the nebulizer. For a week before I acquired the nebulizer, I treated them with Oxine in a spray bottle. They have been treated with Oxine in some fashion for 18 days, but they are still sneezing.

When they first showed signs of an upper respiratory ailment, I treated them with a broad-spectrum antibiotic. That ended the whistling and most of the wheezing right away, but there was still sneezing and the occasional runny nose. That's when I ordered Oxine.

I am not even sure what I'm looking for here. I'll take anything: advice, suggestions, similar experiences, whatever. I want to be a believer of this product, but so far, I am not won over.

FYI, I started with a partial teaspoon to the gallon (a dosage I found around this forum) and then I increased it to 2 oz to the gallon (I was told this was okay by the vet at Revival).

I use oxine in my chicken waterers at a rate of 1/4 tsp per gallon. It helps keep algae from growing and encourages good feed utilization.
I do spray the birds as an antibacterial/anti fungal treatment.
Depending on what respiratory issue you are treating, oxine may not be your only treatment. I use Denegard for the symptoms you have described.
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