Oy, chicks are LOUD! :)


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 16, 2009
Lakewood, CO
For tiny little things, they sure are LOUD
We have eleven 6 week old cochin and OEG bantams in brooder boxes in the bathroom that is halfway remodeled (best place that was totally secure, warm enough for CO spring and already messy enough that I don't care if it is covered in chickie dust) but it is right next to our bedroom and holy cats, the last week or so I have been ready to bonk the little boogers for jabbering from 2-3 am every night
Between the peeping chickies and my snoring hubby last night, I finally ended up on the couch!
Yeah, and you gotta have them inside for 5 weeks or more! I gotta admit, though, that the ducks were MUCH worse, especially when they wanted water to play in....
Well, maybe they CAN go outside earlier...I ran an extension cord to my coop before my DH ran underground wiring to the coop:) I section a portion of the coop off for the babies with chicken wire (No predators inside the coop!) and hung the heat lamp over the babies. By keeping them this way from 5 to almost 10 weeks the older girls (only 13 and 15 weeks old) got used to the babies and we had minimal fuss. Good luck!
I've found having a radio on helps them keep down to light chirping. For the first month of their lives, they get 24/7 NPR!!! I felt really bad for the last batch, there was a fund raising drive going on.
LOL!!!! Hadn't thought about the radio, great idea! I really don't mind it that much, most of the time, I think my nerves were just extra worn out with sick kids, sick hubby and no sleep to speak of in days. I am way beyond the days of having all nighters without realllllyyy feeling it the next several days
What are the night temps like near you? Here in sunny Atlanta I keep my 3-wk old chicks outside all day now and bring them in at night . Some nights I can get away without the heat lamp inside, which makes them go right to sleep in the nice quiet darkness. In the next week or two they're going to start living outside, maybe with the heat lamp on if it dips below the 60s outside. We have the blessing of a warm climate though- might not be so easy for those in cooler places.
We are still hitting over night dips in the 30's or high 20's, daytime highs of 65 some days, 40 others (I love CO weather, it is like Mother Nature has permanent PMS and mood swings
One of my problems is that I have 10 that are 6 weeks and one that we call Teeny Peep that was a solo hatchling from a friend who didn't have any other littles to house her with that is just over 2 weeks old, so I'm trying to balance temps in the middle somewhere so that Teeny Peep doesn't freeze her little yellow bippy off. I'm trying to come up with some other ideas for her because the big chicks are almost fully feathered and really could be moving out. Might have to start a thread for thoughts on that one from our wise folks here

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