Oyster shells


May 10, 2015
I'm new to the chicken world, but I already love it! I have (6) 9 week old biddies and then 4 laying hens that share a run and coop together. I just started feeding grower/finisher for everyone with free choice oyster shells in a separate bowl for the layers so they can get calcium but they don't want anything to do with it. Is there a better way to ensure they are getting enough calcium????thanks in advance :)
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I know some people disagree with this in case of too much calcium, but I'd try putting a small handful in the food. However, if their food has 3% calcium, they should be fine.
I have a bowl of oyster shells out for mine, they will not eat it everyday. When they are lacking calcium that's when they will eat some. Animals are smarter then we think. Lol even though you think they aren't eating they will when they need it.
They'll eat what they need. It's really a small amount, like 2-3 pieces of the oyster shell. You'll never notice what they eat a lot of the time. As long as your eggs have nice shells, you're good.
They'll eat what they need. It's really a small amount, like 2-3 pieces of the oyster shell. You'll never notice what they eat a lot of the time. As long as your eggs have nice shells, you're good.

X 2 - there is no need to force it on them, they know what they need and take it when they need to.
Thanks for the responses! Puts my mind at ease. One of them layed only the yoke with no shell at all so I was worried about her. We just got her so maybe she is new at it or is just hopefully stressed.
Your new hens will most likely stop laying altogether once everything in the pipeline is out. The stress from moving normally causes a laying hen to halt for a couple of weeks to a month depending on stress level. I wouldn't worry at all with their calcium intake while they are acclimating.
I feed mine the egg shells from their eggs and that provides calcium in their diet. When cook using eggs I set the shells aside and will later take them out to my chickens and they love them. They also have oyster shells but will eat them when ever they want.
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