Packing for baby...why do I feel like Im forgetting something?


10 Years
Sep 9, 2009
Lake Butler (Union County)
Im always feeling like Im forgetting something when Im packing my labor bags. Help me out here...anyone?

5 newborn size diapers (Im at the birthing center so after 3 hours, I go home)
a baggie full of whipes

My Bag:
a pair of pants
a shirt
extra undergarments
Calling List
Camera (Mom is getting extra batteries to see if it will work, if not then we have hers)

We have gas in the truck, the carseat is washed (DD2's old carseat) and put in the truck.

Why am I feeling like something is missing?

Dont need to worry about the kids, Meme will be here for them (landlady) so there is no need to pack anything for them....
Im stumped, any help?
book? I took something to do but ended up thinking up creative ways to curse Eve. I wrote some down.
Good thing we have the old plastic seats, no worry about seat being damaged. :-D

focal point as in what? Im a little bit of brain dead, I feel like I know this but in a ??? mode.

No music, Im deaf so that's not it....

Cell phone, right... Minutes for the cell phone...that's one thing I forgot to do. How in the world have I forgotten to put minutes on the temperary cell phone. DUH!
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focal point is what you focus on when you are in deep labor and need to breath. Hehe whowho... a picture, a persons face, a spot on the wall. It helps to ease the pain a bit to really focus on one thing.
Robe or shawl.

Many maternity floor glowns have nursing slits, and you may wany something for added warmth/modesty.

Lotion, all the alchol swabbing and shots will make you itchy.

Money for vending machines or granolia bars (let's face it the food will be bad)
im at the birthing center but i guess preparing for "sudden change of plan" would be a good idea. I wanted a home birth but midwife adviced against it
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