Pain Meds for Dogs - Need Advice

I had an arthritic Basset I gave buffered aspirin to for many years. My vet put our arthritic Pug on Rimadyl. Made a new dog of him. It also comes in a generic form that is very reasonably priced.
I've used aspirin for short term pain, be sure to double check with your vet about dosage. Also for my Great Dane who had a herniated disc and hip problems I gave human Glucosamine Chondroitin, much cheaper than what you get at the vet, not for the pain but to help manage the condition. Also a lot of Great Danes have good results with acupuncture....

Best of Luck I know how hard it is to see them in discomfort.
I forgot to mention I do give her Glucosamin Chondroitin. I got a mega pack at costco which both dogs and I share
I haven't tried acupuncture yet, which I've thought about occasionally. My vet does that, too. In the 5 years I've known him he's been transitioning from a regular vet to 'intergrative medicine' which includes homeopathy and acupuncture. He's always be a chiropractor. Quite a useful fellow to have around and not the most expensive either.
I did acupucture with one of my dogs and found the helpful effects very transient. Like a week or so - and then she would need another treatment. We did this for months. I found she did better with chiropractic and massage.
We've used glucosamine and chondroitin supplements with success for hip troubles, also.

If you end up giving something that is hard on the liver, as some of these drugs are, milk thistle is good for that. For drugs that cause nausea, ginger is helpful. Our dog was getting chemo drugs. The lab results for the liver came back much better after I started with the milk thistle. Appetite was much better with the ginger, in addition to stopping the "urping." Milk thistle is available in capsules. I used to just give my dogs candied ginger and they would eat it right out of my hand. There are a lot of forms of ginger and different ways to give it.

I had to edit this, as I was rushed and interrupted when I first wrote it. It originally said I gave ginger for the liver issues, also, when it's actually milk thistle that should be used. There are a lot of studies that have been done on both milk thistle and ginger, for these purposes, if you google them. I guess I had a little too much chaos in my livingroom yesterday. Sorry!
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Have you tried acupuncture and/or Cetyl M? We have had impressive results using both on a large dog with cervical vertebral instability. She was diagnosed last fall and eight months later it would be hard to tell she has a problem.
Aspirin is not commonly suggested for use in dogs by veterinarians because of the higher risk of GI bleeding and ulceration from it in dogs. It is okay for occasional use, but long term use in dogs can be dangerous because of the GI side effects.

Please research TRAMADOL. This drug does not cause GI ulceration as aspirin can, and does not have the liver/kidney side effects that can happen with Rimadyl and its derivatives.

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