Pain Meds for Dogs - Need Advice

Good information. I'm giving my dogs a product called Green Mush by Health Force Nutritionals which is a nutritional powder made with lots of greens and other supplements, one of them being ginger. Their website said they make a similar product for humans which contains more ginger. Aside from that the two products are identical. If Roxy the lurcher has any problems with the pain meds giving her nausea I could perhaps give her the human Green Mush. There is no milk thistle in this concoction.
y did more than one vet I know locally say to give liquid tylenol to my dog....if it was so bad for them I don't think they would say to give it to them different vets different cities etc.
My vet gave me Tramidol(dose 2x's a day) for my Rottweiler after we found out she had bone cancer, it was in her leg joint and she wouldnt use the leg at all. after the first dose she was already using the leg a little.
Thanks for this information. I was not aware you could use Tramadol on dogs

rimadyl seems to work best for my dog she has neck and back pain that comes and was really bad not that long ago and she had some liquid Tylenol on top of the other med she was vet tried bute to he even took it before for an injury and I have to say it did not help her as much as the rimadyl did....she did not get the tylenol but once or twice.

she did not seem to have any stomach problems on the rimadyal and has taken plenty of it.
I had a dog with severe arthritis, and he was managed on a heavy pain med regime. I think in your case glucoasmine/msm is your first choice, and maybe something like rimadyl/deramaxx as needed. My dog was on deramaxx short term, but his pain increased and was too much for the deramaxx to take care of. . He eventually needed a combination of tramadol, torbutrol, gabapentin, and an anti-depressant (amitryptyline). Oh, and he also trialed robaxin to help with acute muscle spasms.

I think you are on the right track, get the dog to the vet when you can and see what their opinion is. In my opinion, if your dog has weeks/months left, I do not worry about kidney/stomach/liver side effects as these take months/years to have an effect on the dog. I worry most about managing the pain short-term, the side effects of said pain control, and the quality of life the dog will have in the interim.

Good luck. The aging canine is heart breaking
Enjoy your time with your dog...
My vet prescribes a med with the name of Zubrin or Novox. We used it when they both contracted Lyme. Novox for the big dog b/c Zubrin gets expensive in the big dog range. They both worked well for both of tyem. I don't know if they are okay for lomg term or not. Never aked. But hope this helps as well for you decision process!
Thanks Misha and welcome to BYC!

My dog seems quite a lot better now. Following the advice I received on this group I gave her baby aspirin when she got really bad, and have incorporated msm and glucosomin into her diet. I also give her salmon oil and 'Green Mush', a nutrient and enzyme rich green powder, daily. She's only had to have 3 aspirins in 3 months so I definitely think she's on the mend. With the very serious injuries she received 5 years ago I pleased she still has some quality of life now. The vet at the time was going to put her down, but I convinced him to let me try homeopathics for a while first. That same vet is now a qualified animal homeopath who practises allopathic as well as holistic medicine

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