Painting the inside of the coop.....yes? no?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 20, 2010
Are there any negatives to painting the inside of my coop. Any colors I should stay clear of. Maybe this is not an issue but I just quickly want to check.
I plan to paint mine with an exterior latex both to seal and help with cleaning. I am using a yellow.(miscolor can) I would stay clear of red. But many people have painted the insides of their coops.

ETA make sure its glossy not flat.
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Now I saw some pictures of one coop and they had painted their nesting boxes and roosts bright red. It was adorable.............why do I need to stay clear of red?
Chickens at least some chicken like to peck at red. That is just what i have read in other posts. I actually have a red nestbox, so I shouldnt say anything.
I wouldn't paint the inside incase they peck at it and ingest it. If people shouldn't eat latex, chickens probably shouldn't either. I only painted my exterior, and ladder- to make it last longer but it's retractable.
Paint inside the coop? A definite yes if you want to clean it easily. I used leftover glossy paint, although some of the walls are an "eggshell" finish (somehow appropriate, don't you think?) We did not have to purchase any paint, but used paint leftover from other projects. We painted the inside as well as the outside of our nest boxes a dark color for that cozy feel for the birds. I have not had any pecking problems, but as the paint used is non-toxic, I don't think it is an issue.
I wouldn't worry about chickens pecking the paint unless you have a lot of gloppy drips. Use a roller (it's faster anyway) and you won't have any. Chickens aren't chewers like parrots are, so a flat painted surface gives them nothing to peck.

If you start to get peeling paint, though, that would be another matter. You'd need to fix that right away.

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