pair of brown button quails

are they males or females or are they a pair and i would like to know if you ship
As far as I can tell, its a male/female pair because one has a little one bib. The female is laying eggs. I know nothing about mailing birds, but if you want to pay whatever that costs... I would just give them to you.
I would like the birds if you still have them. I am willing to pay for shipping. They just need a poulty mailing box with air holes, sufficient bedding, and a source of food/moisture for the mailing. If you send them priority (2 day shipping) and make sure they have enough to keep them through the journey (providing a source of moisture with things like cucumber or other moisture heavy foods can substitute water just for shipping).

Please let me know if they're still available and how much the shipping costs would be for you.

I'd be willing to send a bit extra for the birds as well.


Charlene Scott

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